Research progress on cold storage tolerance of natural enemy insects
中文关键词:  天敌昆虫  耐冷藏力  外源因子  内源因子
英文关键词:Natural enemy insects  cold storage tolerance  exogenous factors  endogenous factors
王瑞珍,张杨,王晓丹,宋丽文,李宏,刘鑫荣,李兴鹏 1. 北京市植物园/北京市花卉园艺工程技术研究中心北京1000932. 吉林省林业科学研究院长春 1300333. 长春市绿园区农林水利管理服务站长春 1300624. 北华大学林学院吉林 132013 
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      Cold storage is considered to be one of the most effective means of prolonging the shelf life of natural enemy insects. The survival rate, fecundity, and field parasitic (predation) ability are important indexes to evaluate the cold storage tolerance of natural enemy insects. The cold storage tolerance of insects is affected by various factors before, during, and after cold storage. These factors mainly include exogenous (abiotic) factors such as temperature, humidity, photoperiod, oxygen concentration, duration of cold storage, pretreatment before cold storage, temperature treatment during cold storage (mixed low temperature), and endogenous (biological) factors such as energy storage, reproduction mode, age, diapause (dormancy), diet nutrition and so on. In this paper, the types of endogenous and exogenous factors affecting cold storage tolerance of natural enemy insects and the physiological mechanisms of these effects were reviewed. We expected to provide a basis for the research of low-temperature storage technology and production plan of natural enemy insects.
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