Reproductive behavior rhythm of Endoclita davidi (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), an host insect of Ophiocordyceps xuefengensis
中文关键词:  巨疖蝙蛾  求偶  交配  产卵  节律性
英文关键词:Endoclita davidi  calling  mating  oviposition  rhythmicity
李幸,陈珊,周琼 湖南师范大学生命科学学院长沙 410081 
摘要点击次数: 313
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      巨疖蝙蛾Endoclita davidi Poujade是雪峰虫草菌Ophiocordyceps xuefengensis的重要寄主昆虫,对其生殖生物学的研究,可以为该虫的规模化人工饲养与雪峰虫草的培育提供依据。采用人工饲养结合室内红外摄影,研究分析巨疖蝙蛾的求偶、交尾和产卵行为节律。巨疖蝙蛾在羽化当天的暗期即可求偶、交尾和产卵。求偶行为通常在进入暗期的5 min内开始,并主要发生在进入暗期的15 min内(P<0.05);随后的交尾行为主要发生在进入暗期的10~25 min内;产卵行为也主要发生在暗期。巨疖蝙蛾有多次交尾和产卵的习性,其中,2日龄的求偶率、交尾率及日产卵量均最大,分别达87.33%、61.09%和979粒/雌,且随日龄增加而逐渐降低。卵散产,总产卵量平均达4 250粒/雌。提示巨疖蝙蛾羽化时即已性成熟,其生殖行为均发生在暗期,进入暗期可能是触发其生殖行为的重要影响因素。
      Endoclita davidi Poujade is an important host insect of Ophiocordyceps xuefengensis. The study on the reproductive biology of E. davidi can provides the basis for large-scale artificial breeding of this insect and cultivation of the O. xuefengensis. The methods of artificial breeding and infrared photography indoor were used to study and analyze the behavior rhythm of calling, mating and oviposition of E. davidi.The calling, mating and oviposition behavior occur in the dark period of the day when E. davidi emergence.The calling behavior usually begins within 5 min after entering the dark period and mainly occurs within 15 min after it was dark (P<0.05). The mating behavior of E. davidi mainly occurs within 10 ~ 25 min of the dark period. E. davidi had the habits of multiple mating and spawning. The peak of the calling rate, copulation rate and eggs laying amount of this moth occurred in the 2-day-old, and they reach 87.33%, 61.09% and 979 eggs/female, respectively, and decreased gradually with age. The eggs were scattered and the total eggs amount reached an average of 4 250 / female. Hint: E. davidi is sexually mature when it emergence, their reproductive behaviors occur in the dark period, entering dark period may be an important factor in trigger reproductive behavior of E. davidi.
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