The diversity of Corydalidae larvae in different freshwater habitats of Xiangxi, Hunan, China
中文关键词:  齿蛉科  幼虫  湘西  多样性
英文关键词:Corydalidae  larva  Xiangxi  diversity
杨文菊,杨洁,张佑祥,赵驰珺,黄兴龙 吉首大学生物资源与环境科学学院湖南吉首 416000 
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      齿蛉科昆虫隶属于昆虫纲广翅目,是重要的环境指示生物。本研究调查了湘西地区的齿蛉科幼虫的分布情况,并分析了齿蛉科幼虫在不同生境类型中的多样性特征。共采集到东方齿蛉Neoneuromus orientalis、炎黄星齿蛉Protohermes xanthodes、花边星齿蛉Protohermes costalis和中华斑鱼Neochauliodes sinensis 4种齿蛉科幼虫。东方齿蛉仅在自然保护区和自然河流分布,炎黄星齿蛉和花边星齿蛉广泛分布于各种流水生境类型,中华斑鱼蛉除在各种流水生境类型中分布外,在静水的小型水库也有分布。自然河流的齿蛉科幼虫多样性指数H′最高,其余由高到低依次为自然保护区、旅游景区、自然溪沟和农业区;丰富度指数R趋势与H′指数相似,但农业区R指数高于旅游景区。本研究表明,不同种类齿蛉科幼虫在湘西地区的分布情况存在差异,自然条件优越的生境类型中齿蛉幼虫多样性指数较高。
      Species of Corydalidae (Megaloptera) are important environmental indicators. In this study, we investigated and analyzed the diversity of Corydalidae insects in Xiangxi, Hunan. A total of 4 species of Corydalidae larvae were collected from different freshwater habitats. Neoneuromus orientalis were merely found in natural reserve and natural rivers. Protohermes xanthodes and P. costalis were found in various habitats with running water. Neochauliodes sinensis were found in habitats with standing water, as well as the habitats with running water. The investigated habitats with Shannon-Wiener index of Corydalidae insects from high to low were natural river, natural reserve, tourist area, natural stream, agricultural area and small reservoir. Similar trend was found in Margalef index, but it is higher in agricultural area than that in tourist area. These results suggested that the distribution of Corydalidae insects in Xiangxi varied from genus to genus, and the freshwater habitat with superior natural conditions presented high species diversity of Corydalidae insects.
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