张 婵,陈思琪,许益镌,2021,甘氨酸和赤藓糖醇胶饵对红火蚁工蚁的毒杀效果[J].环境昆虫学报,(4):1034-1039
Toxic effect of glycine and erythritol gel bait on workers of Solenopsis invicta
中文关键词:  红火蚁  赤藓糖醇  甘氨酸  死亡率  水凝胶
英文关键词:Solenopsis invicta  erythritol  glycine  mortality rate  hydrogels
基金项目:广东省自然科学基金 (2017A030313166) ; 珠海市动物疫病预防控制中心委托项目 (2019,2020)
张 婵,陈思琪,许益镌 华南农业大学红火蚁研究中心广州 510642 
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      前期研究发现甘氨酸和赤藓糖醇对红火蚁 Solenopsis invicta Buren 有较好的毒杀效果,为进一步挖掘这两种 物质的实际应用价值,在室内测试了甘氨酸和赤藓糖醇不同浓度配比的水溶液及胶状饵剂对红火蚁工蚁的毒杀效果。结果显示,20% 的配比为 1∶3、3∶1 的赤藓糖醇和甘氨酸溶液喂饲 48 h 红火蚁工蚁的死亡率分别为 83.1% 和 84.93% ,而 72 h 后,死亡率分别为 95.07% 和 95.21% ,与取食茚虫威饵剂的工蚁死亡率 ( 48h: 92.57% ; 72h:100% ) 无显著差异。20% 的配比为 1∶3、3∶1 的赤藓糖醇和甘氨酸水凝胶颗粒喂饲 48 h 红火蚁工蚁的死亡率分别 为 58.94% 和 55.05% ,而 72 h 后,死亡率分别为 85.11% 和 80.05% ,显著低于取食茚虫威饵剂的工蚁死亡率 ( 48 h: 95.71% ; 72 h: 99.59% ) 。研究结果为进一步利用开发红火蚁环保型饵剂提供参考。
      Previous studies found that glycine and erythritol had a good toxic effect on red imported fire ants. In order to further explore the practical application of these two substances,the toxic effect of different concentration ratio of glycine and erythritol in aqueous solution and gel bait on workers of Solenopsis invicta Buren was tested in the laboratory. The results showed that the mortality of workers was 83.1% and 84.93% when fed with the ratio of 20% 1∶3 and 3∶1 erythritol and glycine solution for 48 h. And the mortality was 95.07% and 95.21% after 72 h. There was no significant difference between the mortality of workers fed with ninhydrin bait ( 48 h: 92.57% ; 72 h: 100% ). The ratio of 20% 1∶3 and 3∶1 erythritol and glycine hydrogel particles to feed 48 h was 58.94% and 55.05% respectively,while 72 h mortality rate was 85.11% and 80.05% ,respectively,which was significantly lower than that of the worker ant death rate ( 48 h: 95.71% ; 72 h: 99.59% ). The results provided a reference for the further development of environmentally friendly baits.
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