Study of the ingestion efficiency of Tenebrio molitor on different proportion of polystyrene
中文关键词:  黄粉虫  聚苯乙烯  生长发育
英文关键词:Tenebrio molitor  polystyrene  growth and development
陈耀,陈冬梅,邱枢林,周材权 西华师范大学生态研究院西南野生动植物资源保护教育部重点实验室四川南充 637002 
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      为探索黄粉虫 Tenebrio molitor 在降解聚苯乙烯过程中聚苯乙烯与麸皮的最佳配比,本研究将聚苯乙烯与麸皮按不同比例PS1(1 : 9),PS2(2∶ 8),PS3(3∶7),PS4(4∶6),PS5(5∶5),PS6(6∶4),PS7(7∶3),PS8(8∶2),PS9(9∶1),PS10(10∶0),CK(0∶10)共设置11组饲养黄粉虫,研究不同比例聚苯乙烯对黄粉虫的增重、死亡率、取食量、取食聚苯乙烯量、消化率、利用率、虫粪量、化蛹率、羽化率、产卵量等指标的影响。结果表明:黄粉虫生长性能随着饲料中聚苯乙烯含量的升高而降低。至黄粉虫大量化蛹时,CK、PS1、PS2、PS3、PS4组黄粉虫的生长性能相接近,PS3和PS4组进入大量化蛹期的时间要晚7 d左右,有助于降解更多的聚苯乙烯。虽然PS4组黄粉虫取食聚苯乙烯的量略高于PS3组,且两组的消化率、利用率、死亡率、产卵量差异不显著,但PS3组在化蛹率、羽化率、干物质等方面优于PS4组。综上所述,PS3(3∶7)组的配比较优,既能保证黄粉虫的正常生长发育确保其经济价值,又能降解较多的聚苯乙烯,可为规模化养殖黄粉虫降解聚苯乙烯提供实验依据。
      In order to explore the best ratio between polystyrene and wheat bran in the degradation of polystyrene of the Tenebrio molitor , 11 groups of feed (polystyrene: wheat bran)PS1 (1∶9), PS2 (2∶8), PS3 (3∶7), PS4 (4∶6), PS5 (5∶5), PS6 (6∶4), PS7 (7∶3), PS8 (8∶2), PS9 (9∶1), PS10 (10∶0)and CK (0∶10)were used to evaluate the weight gain, mortality, feed intake, polystyrene intake, feed digestibility, feed utilization rate, faecal output, pupation rate, emergence rate and oviposition number of the T.molitor. The results showed that the growth performance of the T. molitor decreased with the ratio of polystyrene in the feed. However, the weight gain in the groups of CK, PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 were similar, when a majority of the larvae pupated.The pupation age of PS3 and PS4 group were about 7 days later than that in the groups of CK, PS1 and PS2, which was helpful for the larvae to degrade more polystyrene. The amount of polystyrene intake of PS4 group was slightly higher than that in the PS3 group, while there was no significant difference in feed digestibility, feed utilization, mortality and oviposition number between the PS3 and PS4 group. However, the pupation rate, emergence rate and dry matter in the PS3 group were better than those in the PS4 group.In these regards, the ratio of 3∶7 (polystyrene: wheat bran)was optimal, which could not only ensure the normal growth and development of the T. molitor to keep the economic value, but could also degrade more polystyrene. The results of this study provided fundamental information for large-scale cultivation of the T. molitor in polystyrene degradation.
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