Identifying of Samia ricini diseases by nanopore sequencing
中文关键词:  蓖麻蚕  MinION  病原  鉴定
英文关键词:Samia ricini  MinION  pathogen  indentification
陈大嵩,黄鸿,吴华,李健雄,戴建青 广东省科学院动物研究所广东省动物保护与资源利用重点实验室广东省野生动物保护与利用公共实验室广州 510260 
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      蓖麻蚕Samia ricini为大蚕蛾科樗蚕属的绢丝与食用的非滞育型经济昆虫,且是少数可以室内大量圈养的绢丝昆虫,全年可累代饲养。在蓖麻蚕室内大批量圈养的生产过程可能遭受毁灭性病害的侵害,包括蓖麻蚕微粒子病、脓病、软化病等,且随着累代对病原物的不停积累蚕病会呈现愈发严重的趋势,病原愈发难以清除。因此,对蚕病的监测是防控蚕病爆发的重要手段之一。掌上纳米孔测序仪MinION是一款便携式高通量测序平台,便于实地进行DNA测序并对病原物进行检测。本文通过MinION测序仪对蓖麻蚕病蚕DNA进行测序,并对未知病原物DNA序列进行分析,探讨了利用MinION测序仪鉴定蓖麻蚕病原的可行性,对蚕病的监测提供了保障。
      Samia ricini is a silk produced and edible non diapause economic insect belonging to Saturniidae family. It is one of the rare silk production insects that can be largely reared indoors, which can be reared in successive generations throughout the year. The large-scale indoor rearing production of Samia ricini may be ruined by destructive diseases which includes microspore disease, nuclear polyhedrosis disease, and soft rot disease. Diseases will become increasing serious with the continuous accumulation of pathogens, and the pathogens become more difficult to remove. Therefore, disease monitoring is the most important means to prevent the disease outbreak. MinION is a portable high-throughput sequencing platform, which is convenient for pathogen DNA sequencing. In this paper, the DNA of sick Samia ricini was sequenced by MinION, and the unknown pathogen DNA sequences were attempted to be identified. The feasibility of using MinION to identify the pathogen was discussed, which provided a guarantee for the monitoring of silkworm disease.
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