Effects of different neighboring cropping on arthropod diversity in maize field
中文关键词:  玉米  邻作  节肢动物  天敌
英文关键词:Maize  adjacent cropping  arthropods  natural enemies
张金龙,赵丽媛,陈强,李强,张晓明,陈国华 云南农业大学植物保护学院云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室昆明 650201 
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      In order to know the arthropod diversity in different adjacent cropping maize fields in Pu'er city of Yunnan province. The arthropods communities were systematically investigated in the adjacent planting of coffee, rice, plum in maize fields and maize monoculture as control by visual method and sticky trapping method, and the effects of different adjacent cropping on arthropod communities in maize fields were analyzed. The results showed that the main natural enemy arthropods in maize fields were Diptera and Hymenoptera, and the lowest Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) in maize monoculture field was -16.858. The optimum model was Y=-10.312-1.639D+2.629PC2 (Y was species diversity, D was the total number of investigated individuals, and PC2 was the principal component 2 with the number of natural enemy sub-communities as the principal component). The total number of arthropod individuals and the number of natural enemy sub communities were related to the diversity of arthropod communities, and the diversity of arthropod community in maize field could be increased by adjacent cropping, the main factors affecting arthropod community in maize field were natural enemy sub community and neutral sub community. Among them, the highest arthropod diversity index was 4. 082 in the maize and coffee adjacent cropping. The main factors affecting arthropod community in corn field were natural enemy sub community and neutral sub community. The individual numbers of natural enemy sub community has the largest effect on the diversity of arthropods community in maize field, the community diversity of arthropod in maize field could be increased by adjacent cropping and coffee as the adjacent cultivation has the highest diversity among all of the tested cropping. The results of this study can provide the basis for the regulation of arthropod diversity in maize field by using adjacent cropping pattern.
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