Ant species diversity of Qinghai part, Qilian Mountain National Park
中文关键词:  蚁科  群落  生物多样性  国家公园  祁连山
英文关键词:Formicidae  community  biodiversity  national park  Qilian Mountain
熊忠平,和秋菊,徐正会,翟奖,李彪,黄钊,钱昱含 1.西南林业大学生物多样性保护学院昆明 6502242.云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室昆明 650224 
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      本研究采用样地调查法研究了祁连山国家公园青海片区的蚂蚁物种多样性。在祁连山国家公园青海片区记录蚂蚁2亚科、6属、13种,发现1个中国新记录种:沃尔切胸蚁Temnothorax volgensis (Ruzsky),发现7个青海新记录种。光亮黑蚁Formica candida Smith、满凹头蚁Formica manchu Wheeler、亮腹黑褐蚁Formica gagatoides Ruzsky是蚂蚁群落的优势种。青海片区4个垂直带蚂蚁群落的多样性顺序为:东段景阳岭垭口东坡>中西段热水垭豁东坡>中东段景阳岭垭口西坡>西段热水垭豁西坡。各垂直带物种数目、个体密度、多样性指数总体随海拔升高而降低,主要受海拔和气温因素制约;这些指标在不同垂直带出现多域效应、中域效应或底域效应现象,说明不同海拔高度上栖息着适应了不同生境的物种聚集群,同时受到人类对生境干扰的影响。青海片区东坡蚂蚁物种丰富度和多样性指数高于西坡,主要受降雨和湿度影响。从相似性系数看,青海片区不同生境的蚂蚁群落存在一定分化,具有不同生态功能和保护价值。
      In the present study, ant diversity in the Qilian Mountain National Park (Qinghai part) was surveyed using sample plot method. In total, 13 ant species belonging to 6 genera and 2 subfamilies of Formicidae were recognized. A new record species to China, Temnothorax volgensis (Ruzsky), and 7 new record species to Qinghai Province were reported. Formica candida Smith, Formica manchu Wheeler, and Formica gagatoides Ruzsky were the dominant species in the ant community. Diversity indexes of the ant communities in the 4 vertical zones of Qinghai part are: East section (east slope of Jingyangling Yakou) > middle-west section (east slope of Reshui Yahuo) > middle-east section (west slope of Jingyangling Yakou) > west section (west slope of Reshui Yahuo). Species numbers, individual densities and diversity indexes are generally decrease with the increase of altitude, which suggest that indexes were influenced by altitudes and air temperatures. In addition, the main indexes express multi-domain effect or mid-domain effect phenomenon or bottom-domain effects in different vertical zones, it implies that ant species assemblage adapted to varied habitats dwelling at different altitude of the vertical zones, at the same time, the habitat of ant communities were disturbed by human being. As influenced by rainfall and humidity, ant species richness and diversity index on the east slope of Qinghai part were higher than the west slope. Based on the similarity coefficients, ant communities are differentiated in a certain degree from distinct habitat of Qinghai part, which have significant ecological functions and protection value.
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