Effect on population density of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley on the growth of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
中文关键词:  棉花粉蚧  扶桑  种群密度  株高  茎粗
英文关键词:Phenacoccus solenopsis  Hibiscus rosa sinensis  population density  plant height  stem diameter
孙峰,叶伟峰,潘志萍,陆永跃 1.华南农业大学植物保护学院广州 5106422. 黄埔海关广州5107303.广东省科学院动物研究所广东省动物保护与资源利用重点实验室广东省野生动物保护与利用公共实验室广州 520620 
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      棉花粉蚧 Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley是我国一种重要外来入侵害虫。关于该害虫入侵发生对作物的危害程度一直是关注的重要方面。本文通过定量接种虫量的方法,研究了棉花粉蚧初孵若虫不同初始密度(50头/株、100头/株、200头/株、400头/株、800头/株)下扶桑苗生长规律。结果植株生长表明,随着初始种群密度增大,扶桑株高增长量、茎粗增长量逐渐降低,棉花粉蚧对扶桑生长的抑制作用逐渐加重。当初始虫量较大时,扶桑表现为生长显著减缓,叶片萎缩、脱落等症状。当初始虫量为50头/株时,扶桑株高及株高增长量分别降低15.4%、28.9%,显著低于对照;当初始虫量为400头/株时,扶桑受害严重,与对照相比株高、株高增长量分别降低了38.7%、70.2%,茎粗和茎粗增长量分别降低了21.2%和39.6%。对在扶桑上棉花粉蚧的危害时间和种群虫口当量分别与寄主株高、株高增长量、茎粗、茎粗增长量之间的关系进行二次曲线拟合,分别建立了三者之间关系的拟合模型,并通过该模型计算出已知该虫种群密度在一定时间内危害寄主的株高、株高增长量、茎粗和茎粗增长量,推算出棉花粉蚧的防治指标。本研究结果为制定棉花粉蚧的防治指标提供了理论依据。
      Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley, a newly invasive pest in China in recent years, has the characteristics of strong reproductive capacity, rapid spread and serious damage. It is an important aspect to play attention to the damage degree of the insect invasion to crops.The effects of initial different population density (50,100,200,400 and 800 heads/plant) of P. solenopsis newly-hatchednymph on the seedling growth of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis were studied by indoor inoculation. The results showed that different initial population density had different effects on the growth of H. rosa-sinensis. When the initial population density was low, the effect on the growth of H. rosa-sinensis was small. With the increase of the population, the growth of H. rosa-sinensis was significantly reduced, and the symptoms of leaf atrophy and abscission were observed. With the increase of population density, the increment of plant height and stem diameter decreased gradually. When the initial number of insects was 50 heads/plant, the height and height growth of H. rosa-sinensis decreased by 15.4% and 28.9% respectively, and the damage was serious when the initial number of insects was 400 heads/plant Compared with the control, the height and height growth of H. rosa-sinensis decreased by 38.7% and 70.2%, and the growth of stem diameter and stem diameter decreased by 21.2% and 39.6%, respectively.The quadratic curve fitting was used to fit the relationship between the damage time and the population population equivalent of mealybug to the host plant height, plant height increment, stem diameter and stem diameter increment respectively, and the fitting equations among the three were obtained respectively. Through the equation simulation, the plant height, plant height increment, stem diameter and stem of the known population density of the insect harming the host in a certain period of time were calculated. The control index of mealybug was preliminarily calculated. The results of this study provided a theoretical basis for the establishment of control index of P. solenopsis.
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