Sex identification of Cricula variabilis larvae, pupae and adults
中文关键词:  异斑酷大蚕蛾  幼虫    成虫  性别鉴定
英文关键词:Cricula variabilis  larva  pupa  adult  sex identification
张锦坤,胡可炎,张国祥,范凌华,林子杰,温秀军,马涛 1.华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院广东省森林植物种质创新与利用重点实验室广州 5106422.增城区林业和园林局广州 511300 
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      This study describes a method for accurately and quickly identifying the sex of the Cricula variabilis old-instar larvae, pupae and adults. And it compares the characteristics of adults and pupae, male and female. The female genital pore is located in the 8th and 9th abdominal segments, and the 8th abdominal segment is not closed. The male genital pore is located only on the 9th abdominal segment, and there are lumps on both sides of the genital pore. There are more light-colored areas near the ecdysial line of the female larvae's head shell, and there are fewer male light-colored areas.And the color of the female postclypeus area is also lighter than that of the male. The male and female adults differ greatly. The antennae of the male are pinnately shaped. The forewings are generally without transparent spots, or spots are small. The antennae of the female are short and pinnate which looks like filament, and the forewings have three large and continuous transparent spots. After measuring 30 pairsof pupae, it was found that there were significant differences between the male and female pupae (P<0.05) in the morphological characteristics data such as pupae length, pupae width and pupae weight.
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