The potential fecundity of Sirex noctilio in China
中文关键词:  松树蜂  生殖潜力  个体大小  产卵次数  温度
英文关键词:Sirex noctilio  potential fecundity  size  oviposition frequency  temperature
刘晓博,任利利,石娟,骆有庆 1.北京林业大学林木有害生物防治北京市重点实验室北京 1000832.中法欧亚森林入侵生物联合实验室北京林业大学和法国农科院北京 100083 
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      松树蜂Sirex noctilio是一种严重危害松属植物Pinus spp.的入侵生物,其扩散和繁殖能力强,为了明确我国松树蜂的繁殖力及其影响因素,本研究调查统计了不同个体大小、不同线虫侵染状态、不同产卵次数对松树蜂怀卵量的影响。结果表明,松树蜂怀卵量与前胸背板宽呈指数相关;有线虫侵染的松树蜂怀卵量均值略小于无线虫侵染的松树蜂怀卵量均值,但两者差异不显著;未产卵的初羽化雌虫怀卵量为147.80±10.22粒,产卵至死的松树蜂怀卵量为50.22±5.46粒,推算松树蜂死亡时已产卵30次左右,松树蜂单头雌虫一生平均产卵97.58粒。在观察时段17.49~23.15℃温度范围内,其产卵次数与温度呈强相关,随温度升高产卵次数增多,温度下降产卵次数减少。此外还改进了松树蜂繁殖力公式,进行了我国松树蜂的繁殖力估算。本研究明确了松树蜂的繁殖力和个体大小、线虫侵染的关系以及环境温度对其产卵繁殖的影响,为评估松树蜂危害、预测松树蜂种群扩散和制定松树蜂防控措施提供了重要参考。
      Sirex noctilio is a seriously harmful invasive organism for Pinus with strong diffusive and reproductive capacity. To determine the fecundity and its influencing factors, this study investigated the number of eggs carried by S. noctilio females with different size, different nematode infection status and different oviposition frequency. The results showed that egg content of S. notilio was correlated with the width of prothorax, showing a positive exponential correlation. The number of eggs of parasitized females was slightly less than that of non-parasitized females, but the difference between them was not significant. Newly emerged females carry 147.80±10.22 eggs and 50.22±5.46 eggs remained after death. Estimates show that S. notilio oviposited about 30 times before death, and one feamale oviposited 97.58 eggs throughout its life. In observation time, that temperature range 17.49℃from 23.15℃, the oviposition frequency of S. notilio was strongly correlated with temperature. The oviposition frequency increased with temperature, and oviposition frequency decreased with the temperature. At the same time, the fertility formula was improved, and the fertility estimation of S. notilio in China is carried out, according to the survey data. This study defines the reproductive potential of S. notilio with the effect of individual size and nematode infection and the effect of environmental temperature on its reproduction, and provides an important reference for assessing the damage of S. notilio, predicting the spread of S. notilio and developing the prevention and control measures for S. notilio.
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