Selectivity and EAG response of Batocera lineolata to walnut (Juglans regia) and Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis × Europhylla) volatiles
中文关键词:  云斑白条天牛  寄主挥发物  选择趋向性  EAG反应
英文关键词:Batocera lineaolata  host volatiles  selective preference  EAG response
徐蕾,吴广,杨振德,李贝娜,韦善方,黄嘉诚 1.广西大学林学院南宁 5300042.广西森林生态与保育重点实验室南宁 5300043.巴马瑶族自治县核桃产业发展局广西巴马 547500 
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      云斑白条天牛Batocera lineaolata严重危害核桃树和桉树,是一种寄主范围较广的蛀干害虫。本研究通过弄清云斑白条天牛对核桃和桉树两种寄主树种挥发物的行为反应差异,为利用信息素监测和防治云斑白条天牛提供理论依据。本研究采用触角电位(EAG)反应和“Y”型嗅觉仪技术测定了云斑白条天牛对寄主核桃和桉树各部位挥发物的趋向性和EAG反应。结果表明:核桃种群的云斑白条天牛成虫对核桃树皮、叶片和嫰枝挥发物的趋向率均高于桉树相应部位挥发物的趋向率。雌性天牛交尾后对核桃树皮的选择性显著高于交尾前对核桃树皮的选择性;相反,雄性天牛交尾后对核桃树皮的选择性显著低于交尾前对核桃树皮的选择性。核桃种群云斑白条天牛成虫对核桃和桉树的树皮、嫰枝和叶片的挥发物均有较强的EAG反应;其中,雌性天牛对核桃树皮挥发物的EAG反应值显著高于雄虫的EAG反应值;未交尾雄虫对桉树嫰枝挥发物的EAG反应值显著高于核桃嫰枝的EAG反应值。可见,来源于核桃种群的云斑白条天牛更趋向于选择核桃,性别和交尾与否对其趋向性和EAG反应也存在一定影响。
      Batocera lineaolata, a stem borer pest with a wide diversity of hosts, is a serious threat to Juglans regia and Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla. The assessment of behavioral responses of B.lineolata to the host species J.regia and E.grandis×Europhyllasvolatiles, provides a theoretical basis to the use of pheromones for the monitoring and controlling the borer pests spread. EAG and Y tube olfactometer were used to detect EAG and selective responses of B.lineolata to the host species volatiles. The results showed that the reaction of B.lineaolatatowards J. regia bark, leaf and twigs volatiles, were higher than towards E.grandis×E.urophylla's volatiles. Mated females had a significantly higher selectivity to J.regia bark than unmated females Oppositely, mated males had a significantly lower selectivity to J.regia bark than unmated males. The adult Blineolata sampled from J. regia had a slightly strong EAG response to the bark, twigs and leaves of J. regia and E.grandis×Europhylla, among that females had an significantly higher EAG response to Jregiabarkvolatiles than males, and unmated male had a significantly higher EAG response to E.grandis×Europhyllatwigs than J.regia. It can be seen that B.lineolatahad a selectivity to the host plant J.regia. Sex and mating statuses influence the selectivity and EAG response of B.lineolata to the host plants J.regia and E.grandis×E.urophylla's volatiles.
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