Effects of temperature on flight behavior of Sitophilus oryzae adults
中文关键词:  米象  温度  起飞行为  飞行能力  日节律
英文关键词:Sitophilus oryzae  temperatures  flight initiation  flight capacity  daily rhythm
黎天天,周国磊,周国鑫,刘兴泉,张涛 1. 浙江农林大学农业与食品科学学院杭州 3113002. 北京市粮食科学研究院北京 1101103. 国家粮食和物资储备局科学研究院北京 100037 
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      为探明温度对米象成虫的飞行行为的影响,应用起飞测定装置和昆虫飞行磨对不同温度条件下米象成虫的飞行参数进行了测定。结果显示23℃时,米象即可起飞;23~35℃内,60.0%~73.3%的米象个体具备飞行能力;温度对米象雌成虫的24 h累计飞行距离、24 h累计飞行时间和飞行速度均有显著影响,随温度的升高其飞行能力先增强后减弱,在32℃时上述3个飞行参数均有最大值。米象雄成虫的24 h累计飞行距离、24 h累计飞行时间和飞行速度受温度影响不显著,整体随测定温度的增加呈现先增大后减小的趋势,在29℃时有最大值。米象雌雄成虫的日常日行活动呈现一定的节律性,每日上午和傍晚以后有两个飞行活动高峰。研究结果明确了米象成虫在不同温度条件下的飞行行为特征,可为米象的扩散和害虫感染的预防提供数据支持。
      The flight behavior of Sitophilus oryzae at five different temperatures were tested by a computer monitored flight mill system and flight chambers. The results showed that S. oryzae could fly above 23℃, and the flight initiation rate of S. oryzae was low and there were no significant differences between temperatures. The temperatures had a significant effect on the flight distance, flight duration during 24 h and flight velocity of female adults which increased initially and then decreased with the increase of the measured temperatures. The above three flight parameters had the maximum at 32℃. The flight distance during 24 h, flight duration during 24 h and flight velocity of male adults were not significantly affected by temperatures and had the maximum at 29℃ which had the same trend as the female as the measured temperature increases.The daily flight activities of S. oryzae presented a certain rhythm, and there were two peaks of flight activities (in the morning and evening). The results clarified the flight behavior characteristics of S. oryzae under different temperatures, which could provide reference for the spread and the prevention of S. oryzae.
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