Oviposition repellent effect and toxicity of plant essential oil on mushroom fly, Bifronsina bifrons (Stenhammar) (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae)
中文关键词:  植物精油  双额岩小粪蝇  产卵驱避  α-松油醇  丁香酚  茴香醛
英文关键词:Essential oil  Bifronsina bifrons (Stenhammar)  oviposition repellent  α-terpineol  eugenol  p-anisaldehyde
吴华,戴建青,陈大嵩,欧剑峰,黄鸿 广东省科学院广东省生物资源应用研究所广东省动物保护与资源利用重点实验室广东省野生动物保护与利用公共实验室广州 510260 
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      在室内采用选择性试验测定了14种植物精油单组分化合物对草菇双额岩小粪蝇Bifronsina bifrons (Stenhammar)的产卵驱避效果及在室外采用非选择试验测定了其中3种化合物的产卵驱避效果及毒力测定。结果表明:各精油浓度为10 000 mg/L时,α-松油醇、丁香酚和茴香醛表现出明显的产卵驱避效果,其选择性产卵驱避率分别是60.17%±9.57%、51.07%±2.63%和47.66%±7.10%,产卵量均显著低于对照;月桂烯、α-蒎烯、β-蒎烯和异松油烯产卵驱避作用效果不明显。α-松油醇、丁香酚和茴香醛对双额岩小粪蝇幼虫均具有一定的毒性,对幼虫的校正死亡率分别是5.11%±3.54%、42.68%±3.94%和14.47%±6.92%;丁香酚对双额岩小粪蝇幼虫的毒力最大,LC50为16 965.159 mg/L。其次是茴香醛,LC50为311 941.332 mg/L。α-松油醇毒力最差,LC50为40 676 080.550 mg/L。进一步非选择性试验结果表明α-松油醇(1 250 mg/L~20 000 mg/L)、丁香酚(625 mg/L~20 000 mg/L)和茴香醛(2 500 mg/L~20 000 mg/L)对双额岩小粪蝇具有明显的产卵驱避效果,驱避效果随施用浓度的增加而显著增加。在浓度为20 000 mg/L时α-松油醇、丁香酚和茴香醛的非选择性产卵驱避率分别为69.75%±3.98%、60.75%±1.94%和57.23%±3.38%。本研究为草菇生产中双额岩小粪蝇的无公害防治及高效环保的植物源驱避剂的开发提供参考。
      In order to develop an environmentally friendly approach to control Bifronsina bifrons (Stenhammar), fourteen plant derived essential oils were tested for their efficacy on control or toxic activity at a concentration of 10 000 mg/L in the laboratory. The results showed that α-terpineol, eugenol, and p-Anisaldehyde had significant control against B. bifrons. Control efficacies were 60.17%, 51.07%, and 47.66%, respectively. The control efficacies of Myrcene, α-Pinene, β-Pinene, and Terpinolene were not obvious. Eugenol has a certain toxic effect on larvae of B. bifrons, and the corrected mortality rate for larvae reaches 42.68%. α-terpineol and p-Anisaldehyde were no obvious poisoning to B. bifrons. Furthermore, the field trials showed that α-terpineol (1 250 mg/L~20 000 mg/L), eugenol (625 mg/L~20 000 mg/L), and p-Anisaldehyde (2 500 mg/L~20 000 mg/L) had significant control against adults of B. bifrons. The control efficacies increased significantly as the concentration.
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