Effects of different soiltypes and soil moisture content on egg hatching of Oedaleus decorus asiaticus
中文关键词:  亚洲小车蝗  孵化率  土壤含水量  土壤类型
英文关键词:Oedaleus decorus asiaticus  hatching rate  soil moisture content  soil type
张艳,李红梅,刘路路,王广君,尚素琴 1. 甘肃农业大学植物保护学院兰州 7300702. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所/农业农村部-CABI生物联合实验室北京 1001933. CABI东亚中心北京 1000814. 北京农学院生物与资源环境学院北京 1022065. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所/植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室北京 100193 
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      为明确不同土壤类型及其含水量对亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus decorus asiaticus Bey-Bienko卵孵化的影响,本实验选取棕钙土、黑土和砂土等3种土壤,在恒温28℃条件下设置5%、10%、15%和20%等4个土壤含水量,研究亚洲小车蝗卵的孵化前期、孵化历期、累积孵化率以及相对孵化率。结果表明,土壤类型、土壤含水量以及土壤类型与土壤含水量的交互作用对亚洲小车蝗卵孵化率影响极显著,而对卵孵化前期影响均不显著,卵孵化历期只受到土壤类型的显著影响。亚洲小车蝗卵在棕钙土中孵化率最高(42.5%~61.4%),其次为黑土,最低为砂土;孵化历期在棕钙土中(3.6±0.2 d)显著短于黑土和砂土。在棕钙土中,10%~20%含水量处理的卵孵化率(60.3%~61.4%)显著高于5%处理(42.5%);在黑土中,15%~20%处理的卵孵化率最高(49.8%~42.7%),其次为10%(28.4%),最低为5%处理(13.5%);在砂土中,5%处理的卵孵化率(38.7%)显著高于其他处理(12.9%~19.8%)。在3种不同土壤处理下,亚洲小车蝗卵的孵化均集中在前3 d,相对孵化率达到73.1%~98.0%;砂土的相对孵化率在第1天达到高峰,但与棕钙土和黑土的差异不显著;棕钙土和黑土的相对孵化率在第2天达到高峰,且显著高于砂土。因此,10%~20%含水量的棕钙土最适合亚洲小车蝗卵的孵化,孵化率高,孵化历期短,孵化时间更为整齐;其次为黑土;最次为砂土。
      To clarify the effects of different soil types and soil moisture content on eggs hatching of Oedaleus decorus asiaticus. The brown calcic soil, black soil and sandy soil from Xilinguole League of Inner Mongolia were selected to study egg hatching of O. d. asiaticus under 28℃ with 4 different soil moisture contents (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) in the laboratory. The results showed that soil type, soil moisture content and their interaction had a significant effect on the hatching rate of O. d. asiaticus, but no significant effect on the pre hatching days, while the hatching duration was only significantly affected by the soil type. The hatching rate was the highest (42.5%~61.4%) in brown calcareous soil, followed by black soil and sandy soil. The hatching duration in brown calcareous soil (3.6±0.2 d) was significantly shorter than that in black soil and sandy soil. In brown calcareous soil, the hatching rate (60.3%~61.4%) under soil moisture content with 10%~20% was significantly higher than the rate (42.5%) under soil moisture content with 5%. In black soil, the hatching rate (49.8%~42.7%) under soil moisture content with 15%~20% was the highest, followed by the hatching rate with 28.4% and 13.5% under soil moisture content with 10% and 5% respectively. In sandy soil, the hatching rate (38.7%) under soil moisture content with 5% was the significantly higher than the hatching rate (12.9%~19.8%) under other soil moisture contents (42.5%~61.4%). The relative hatching rate accounted for 73.1%~98.0% at first three days regardless of the different soil types. It reached a peak at 1 d under sandy soil, but there was no significantly different found comparing to the other two soil types. While the relative hatching rate reached a peak at 2 d in brown calcic soil and black soil, which were significantly higher than that of sandy soil. In short, the brown calcareous soil with 10%~20% soil moisture content was most suitable for the egg hatching with the higher hatching rate, shorter hatching duration and more concentrated egg hatching, followed by black soil and sandy soil.
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