Comparing methods for determing colony social forms of fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren
中文关键词:  红火蚁  社会型  单蚁后  多蚁后  聚合酶链式反应 
英文关键词:Solenopsis invicta Buren  social form  monogyne  polygyne  Polymerase Chain Reaction
王晨轩,贾羚艺,李天楚,陈立,黄大卫 1. 河北大学生命科学学院河北省动物系统学与应用重点实验室河北保定 0710022. 中国科学院动物研究所动物进化与系统学院重点实验室北京 1001013. 中国科学院动物研究所农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室北京 1001014. 南开大学生命科学学院天津 300350 
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全文下载次数: 1065
      红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren的社会型——单蚁后(Monogyne)和多蚁后(Polygyne)型的鉴定方法众多,对于鉴定方法之间的比较较少。为了探究鉴定红火蚁社会型的有效实验方案,本研究对采集自中国南方的红火蚁种群样品进行了生物学观察,并采用了几种常用的方法对样品社会型进行了测定,此外还对比了4种不同DNA聚合酶在实验中的效果。多重PCR技术(Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction)、Gp-9^b等位基因扩增两种方法成功率高,能准确鉴定红火蚁社会型。4对同时扩增B、b等位基因的引物成功率不高。实验结果表明,将多重PCR技术、Gp-9^b等位基因扩增,与生物学观察相结合,能更准确地对红火蚁社会型进行鉴定。在PCR实验中选用具有适度保真性和热启动效果的DNA聚合酶能提高红火蚁社会型鉴定的准确性。
      Several different methods have been used to identify social forms, Monogyne and Polygyne, in the red imported fire ant ( Solenopsis invicta Buren). However, comparison on efficiency of these methods has been rarely conducted. This study aims to explore an effective experimental scheme for the identification of social forms of S. invicta. Biological observation and several commonly used methods were conducted to determine social forms of fire ant samples collected from south China. The efficiencies of four different DNA polymerases were compared in the PCR reactions. Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction and Gp-9^b allele amplification, both have a high success rate and can accurately identify the social form of the fire ant samples. The four pairs of primers for simultaneous amplification of B and b alleles have a low success rate. These results showed that the social form of S. invicta can be identified accurately by the combination of Multiplex PCR Reaction, Gp-9^b allele amplification, and biological observation. In addition, hot start DNA polymerase with appropriate fidelity in the PCR reaction can increase the accuracy of determination of fire ant social form.
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