The effect of different rearing density of Hermetia illucens on its development and conversion rate of fresh cow manure
中文关键词:  亮斑扁角水虻  新鲜牛粪  饲养密度  转化率
英文关键词:Hermetia illucens  fresh cow manure  rearing density  conversion rate
字晓,和培铖,杨献清,段艳涛,倪喜云,王敦,单麟茜,张顺仁 1. 西北农林科技大学昆虫学研究所陕西杨凌 7121002. 大理白族自治州农业科学推广研究院云南大理 671005 
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      为了解决养牛业中粪便污染问题,本研究利用亮斑扁角水虻(黑水虻)来转化利用牛粪,探讨了饲养密度对新鲜牛粪的转化效率。本试验以亮斑扁角水虻为研究对象,选择设置每20.0 kg牛粪投入3 500头、8 750头、17 500头4日龄幼虫3个处理密度,在每个密度日均1.0 kg等量饲喂条件下,分析亮斑扁角水虻幼虫百虫重、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、牛粪转化率指标的差异,探索一种适于亮斑扁角水虻幼虫处理新鲜牛粪的饲养密度。结果表明:百虫重、粗蛋白、粗脂肪3个指标在3组处理之间都存在极显著差异。百虫重和粗脂肪两个指标和试验组密度情况在0.01的水平上显著负相关,但3个处理中转化率最高的为8 750头的饲养密度。综合评价认为亮斑扁角水虻4日龄幼虫8 750头/20.0 kg牛粪的投入量为实验范围内最佳饲养密度。
      Concerning the cow manure pollution in cattle industry, the rearing density of black soldier fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens was studied to convert the fresh cow manure. The four-day-old larvae of BSF were used as feeding assay insects.Totally three densities: 3 500, 8 750 and 17 500 larvae per 20.0 kg fresh cow manure of BSF larvae were fed with the fresh cow manure under the same condition. After 20 days of feeding with 1.0 kg fresh cow manure per treatment, the 100 larval weight, crude protein, crude fat and cow manure conversion rate were analyzed, and a suitable feeding density for larvae of BSF was explored. The results showed that there were significant differences among the three treatments in the weight of 100-larval weight, crude protein and crude fat. There was a significant negative correlation between the weight of 100 worms and the density of crude fat in the experimental group at the level of 0.01, however, the highest conversion rate of the three treatments was a density of 8 750 larvae. In conclusion, the best rearing density of four-day-old BSF larvae was 8 750 larvae/20.0 kg fresh cow manure in this study.
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