Comparison of effects of root knot nematode on the growth and nutrient utilization of two herbivores with different diet breadths
中文关键词:  地上-地下天敌互作  专食性昆虫  广食性天敌  消化率  转化率
英文关键词:Above below ground interactions  specialist  generalist  digestion percent  conversion percent
项瑶,刘亚珍,郭文锋,赵开晴,唐军,李晓琼 1.广西大学林学院南宁 5300012.广西农业科学研究院广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室南宁 530007 
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      植物地上与地下植食性天敌常因同一寄主植物而发生复杂的相互作用,互作类型因天敌的食性而异。本研究以乌桕地下病害南方根结线虫、地上害虫(专食性癞皮夜蛾Gadirtha inexacta 、广食性斜纹夜蛾Prodenia litura)为研究对象,比较被南方根结线虫侵染的乌桕叶片对2种不同食性昆虫生长指标(末龄幼虫体重、相对生长速率)和营养利用(取食量、消化率、转化率)的影响差异。结果表明,线虫处理组癞皮夜蛾幼虫的末龄幼虫体重、相对生长速率和转化率均显著低于对照组,而取食量和消化率无显著差异;线虫处理组斜纹夜蛾幼虫的末龄幼虫体重、相对生长速率、取食量及转化率均显著高于对照组,但消化率差异不显著。由此说明,根结线虫对两种地上昆虫生长发育和营养利用的影响受到天敌食性的影响:线虫侵染对癞皮夜蛾幼虫产生抑制效应,而对斜纹夜蛾幼虫产生促进效应。
      Complex interactions between aboveground and belowground herbivores often occur through shared host plants, and the patterns of interactions highly depend on the diet breadth of herbivores.In this study, we used the belowground natural disease of Sapium sebiferum , the root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, and its two aboveground insects(the specialist Gadirtha inexactaand the generalist Prodenia litura), as the studying objects, and compared the differenteffects of M.incognitaon the growth (the last instar larval biomass and relative growth rate) and nutrient utilization (the leaf biomass consumed, digestion percent and conversion percent) of G.inexacta and P.litura larvae.The results showed that the last instar larval biomass, relative growth rate and conversion percent of G.inexacta larvae from the nematode treatment group were significantly lower than those of larvae from the control group, but there were no significant differences in the leaf biomass consumed and digestion percent ofG.inexactalarvae between two groups; Conversely, the last instar larval biomass, relative growth rate, leaf biomass consumed and conversion percent of P.litura larvae from the nematode treatment group were all significantly higher than those from the control group, but there was no significant difference in the digestion percent of P.lituralarvae between two groups .Our results indicated that the effects of M.incognitaon the growth and nutrient utilization of G.inexactaandP.litura larvae were greatly affected by diet breadth of herbivores: Nematode infection exerts inhibition effects on G.inexactalarvae while exerts facilitation effects on P.lituralarvae.
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