Effect of three antibiotics on the removal of endosymbionts of Cicadella viridis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)
中文关键词:  大青叶蝉  内共生菌  抗生素  绝对定量PCR  拷贝数
英文关键词:Cicadella viridis  endosymbiont  antibiotic  Absolute Quantification PCR  Copies
练启仙,刘健锋,杨茂发,周小芸,吴广,罗亭,岑怡红 1.贵州大学昆虫研究所贵州省山地农业病虫害重点实验室贵阳 550025
2.兴义民族师范学院生物与化学学院贵州兴义 562400
3.贵州大学烟草学院贵阳 550025 
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      内共生菌能够为寄主提供营养物质,同时在宿主昆虫的生长及生殖等方面具有特殊作用,大青叶蝉Cicadella viridis与其他昆虫一样具有内共生菌。本文设计了大青叶蝉内共生菌Sulcia muelleri和Sodalissp.的特异性引物,检测其在大青叶蝉中的感染率;同时分别用利福平、盐酸土霉素和青霉素G钾盐3种抗生素处理大青叶蝉,用TaqMan探针法绝对定量PCR检测不同处理时间下大青叶蝉内共生菌的拷贝数。结果表明:大青叶蝉内共生菌Sulcia muelleri和 Sodalissp.的带菌率均为100%;利福平、盐酸土霉素和青霉素G钾盐均可使内共生菌的量减少,但不能完全消除。3种抗生素均能显著减少大青叶蝉雌虫和雄虫中内共生菌Sulcia muelleri 16S rRNA基因拷贝数。盐酸土霉素和利福平均能显著降低大青叶蝉若虫和雄虫中内共生菌Sodalis sp. 16S rRNA基因拷贝数,但对雌虫影响不显著。
      Endosymbionts could provide nutrients for the host, as well as influence the growth and reproduction of the insect hosts. Cicadella viridis harbors endosymbionts, which exist in other insects.We designed specific primers for Sulcia muelleri and Sodalis sp. endosymbionts and tested the infection frequency of endosymbiontsin C.viridis. C.viridis was treated with three antibiotics (rifampicin, oxytetracycline hydrochloride and penicillin G potassium), and detected the copy number of endosymbionts in C.viridisunder different time by using Absolute Quantification PCR (TaqMan). The results showed that the infection frequency of Sulcia muelleriand Sodalis sp. both were 100%Rifampicin, oxytetracycline hydrochloride and penicillin G.potassium could eliminate endosymbionts to some extent, but failed to remove entirely endosymbionts.Three antibiotics significantly reduced the copy number of Sulcia muelleri 16s rRNA gene in female and male C.viridis.Both oxytetracycline hydrochloride and rifampicin could significantly decrease the copy number of Sodalissp.16s rRNA gene in nymph and male but not in female C.viridis.
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