Investigation on the species of parasitic natural enemies of Drosophila suzukii in Yunnan
中文关键词:  斑翅果蝇  寄生性天敌昆虫  种类  分布  寄生率  调查
英文关键词:Drosophila suzukii  parasitic natural enemies  species  distribution  parasitic rate  investigation
基金项目:欧洲果树主要病虫害的高效实用创新型综合治理技术和策略项目(Dropsa, 613678)
方圆,吴浩,王金秀,窦文珺,张晓明,张峰,肖春,陈国华. 1.云南农业大学植物保护学院云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室昆明 6502012.中国农业科学院植物保护研究所农业农村部-CABI生物安全联合实验室植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室北京 100193 
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      斑翅果蝇作为危害蓝莓、杨梅、葡萄、樱桃等软皮水果的重要害虫之一,已经引起国内外广泛关注,明确斑翅果蝇寄生性天敌昆虫的种类、分布和自然寄生状况,可以为斑翅果蝇天敌的保护利用提供科学依据。本文通过在云南省斑翅果蝇适生区采集斑翅果蝇的栽培寄主和野生浆果果实,带回实验室培养5~8 d,解剖果实并挑出斑翅果蝇蛹,收集其中羽化的斑翅果蝇寄生性天敌昆虫,并记录其种类和数量,计算寄生率。本研究共采集调查了45种植物果实,有15种植物果实可被斑翅果蝇危害,其中杨梅中的斑翅果蝇种群数量最大,达到96.03头/百果;共收集到5种斑翅果蝇的寄生蜂,其中幼虫寄生蜂有丽盾瘿蜂Ganaspis brasiliensis、细毛瘿蜂Leptopilina japonica和反颚茧蜂Asobara sp.,蛹寄生蜂有果蝇锤角细蜂Trichopria drosophilae和蝇蛹金小蜂Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae,寄生蜂的自然寄生率最高可达27.81%。结果表明,丽盾瘿蜂的虫口数量最多,分布最广,为斑翅果蝇的田间优势种寄生蜂。斑翅果蝇的寄生性天敌昆虫在斑翅果蝇化蛹后的1~2周达到羽化高峰期,对斑翅果蝇具有较好的自然控制作用。
      Drosophila suzukii is one of the most important pest insect of grapes, blueberries, bayberries, cherries and other soft fruits, which has attracted attention all around the world.Our study aims to know the species of parasitic natural enemies, distribution and natural parasitism rate of D.suzukii,and Provide scientific basis for the protection and utilization of its natural enemies.In Yunnan Provice, the berry fruits from the host of cultivated and wild host plants were collected widely, brought back to the laboratory and reared in the fruit during 5 to 8 days. The fruit was dissected to pick the pupae of D.suzukii,and collected the parasitic natural enemies, which were identified and recorded the population size parasitism rate to D.suzukii.Our study showed that total 45 species of berry fruits were investigated, and 15 species among them were damaged by D.suzukii. Bayberry had the highest population of D.suzukii,which reached 96.03 individuals per 100 fruits. Fiveparasitic natural enemies of D.Suzukii were collected, Ganaspis brasiliensis, Asobara sp. and Leptopilina japonica werethe larva parasitoids, Trichopria drosophilaeand Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae werethe pupa parasitoids. Parasitic wasps had the highest natural parasitism of up to 27.81%.The results showed that G.brasiliensis had the largest population and the most widely distributed.It was the main parasitoids species of D.suzukii in the field.Parasitic natural enemies of D.suzukii reached the peak of emergence within 1~2 weeks after D.suzukii became a pupa.It has good natural control effect on D.suzukii.
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