Analysis of host plants of micro moths in China
中文关键词:  小蛾类  寄主植物  z分数  箱式图  食性
英文关键词:Microlepidoptera  host plant  z score  boxplot  feeding habit
刘雨晴,钱硕楠,李后魂 南开大学生命科学学院天津 300071 
摘要点击次数: 1331
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      The relationship between micro moths and their host plants is investigated based on the host plant data of 50 Microlepidopteran families in China.The correlation between the number of insect species and their host plants is analyzed.The z.score is adopted to standardize the original data, and the boxplot is used to detect the abnormal value of the data with analysis of the feeding habit of the detected insect families.The results showed that the number of insect species was positively correlated with the number of host plants (P< 0.01), with correlation coefficient being 0.860.The results of the aberration test showed that data of Lecithoceridae, Oecophoridae, Hepialidae, Gracillariidae, Zygaenidae, Pterophoridae, Tortricidae and Crambidae were abnormal. Lecithoceridae and Oecophoridae are mostly saprophagous.Among the six phytophagous families, Zygaenidae is monophagous, Pterophoridae and Gracillariidae are oligophagous, and Hepialidae is euryphagous.However, the larvae of Archipini and Olethreutini in Tortricidae are mostly euryphagous, and those of Eucosmini are mostly monophagous.In Crambidae, Spilomelinae and Schoenobiinae are monophagous, and Crambinae and Pyraustinae are oligophagous. It reveals that a positive correlation between micro moths and their host plants in China exists. The results lay a theoretical foundation for the taxonomic study of micro moths as well as for the pest control in agriculture and forestry.
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