Research on the preference of Trichogramma ostriniae to different colors
中文关键词:  玉米螟赤眼蜂  颜色  色彩参数  偏好性
英文关键词:Trichogramma ostriniae  color  color parameters  preference
张烨,朱文雅,李唐,张苗 山西省农业科学院植物保护研究所农业有害生物综合治理山西省重点实验室太原 030031 
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      Color is an important visual signal affecting insect behavior actions. By using ANOVA and T-test, preference of Trichogramma ostriniae females, males and between sexes for seven kinds of color papers (white, yellow, orange, pink, red, blue, green) were investigated. The results showed that there were significant differences on the preference of T. ostriniae females and males for different color papers (F♀ =76.43, P♀<0.05; F♂ =25.23, P♂<0.05), respectively. The number of female and male parasitoids caught on the yellow paper was the largest, which was separately 1.77 and 3.20 times more than that caught on the white paper. Parasitoids preference for the same color paper between sexes was not completely equivalent. Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationships between parasitoids preference and color parameters (L value and b value). The results showed that there was significantly positive correlation between them (P<0.05). The research indicated that both male and female T. ostriniaepreferred yellow color, and preference for the same color between sexes varied. Besides, parasitoids preference could be influenced by the brightness and tone of color.
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