The life history and biological characteristics of Sclomina erinacea
中文关键词:  齿缘刺猎蝽  生活史  行为  形态特性
英文关键词:Sclomina erinacea  life history  behavior  morphological characteristics
黄科瑞,商辉,周琼,严岳鸿,陈珊,李纲 1.湖南师范大学生命科学学院长沙 4100812.中国科学院上海辰山植物科学研究中心上海 201602 
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      齿缘刺猎蝽是国内广泛分布的一种捕食性天敌昆虫,能捕食多种农林业害虫。为了充分利用该虫,我们对齿缘刺猎蝽的生活史、形态特征和行为进行了研究。结果表明,齿缘刺猎蝽在湖南一年发生一代,以成虫越冬;5月份产卵,若虫4龄,初孵若虫黄褐色,2-4龄若虫由黄绿色到淡绿色,4龄若虫可见明显白色翅芽,8月份羽化为成虫,成虫灰褐色。各龄若虫和成虫体表均分布有较多棘或刺。成虫平均寿命长达312.5 d,不太活跃,有一定的飞行能力,取食和交配的时间较长,整个产卵期产卵量为每头雌虫35-41粒。
      Sclomina erinacea is a predaceous pentatomid that isnative to China. It is able to effectively suppress a wide range of agricultural and forest pests. In this study, life history and biological characteristics were studied for a better utilization of this natural enemy. Our results showed that S. erinaceaoccured one generation a year in Hunan Province, overwintering in adult. There were four instars for nymphs. The color of the first instar nymphs was light yellow, the second to the forth instar were light green. The wing buds in the mesothorax of fourth instar nymph could be seen obviously. The adults, which were grayish brown emerged in August. Spines widely distributed all over the whole body of both nymphs and adults. The average life span of the adults was about 312.5 days. Both of the adults and the nymphs were not active. The adults were able to fly for a certain distance. Female adult could lay 35 to 41 eggs in the whole life.
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