Biological characteristics of Glenea cantorFabricius (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
中文关键词:  眉斑并脊天牛  生活史  习性  木棉  天牛科
英文关键词:Glenea cantor Fabricius  life history  habits  kapok  Cerambycidae
董子舒,张玉静,赖开平,郑霞林,王乔,陆温 1.广西大学农学院南宁 5300042.广西化工研究院南宁 5300013.梅西大学农业与环境学院新西兰北帕 11122 
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      眉斑并脊天牛 Glenea cantor Fabricius是我国华南地区园林绿化植物木棉树的重要蛀干害虫。本试验通过室内饲养观察和野外调查,对该虫的生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明该虫在南宁一年发生4代,平均世代历期为70 d,主要以4龄幼虫在受害枝干内越冬。成虫羽化后出木前期为5.97±1.11 d。雄虫较雌虫提早羽化2-3 d,成虫期需补充营养,且具弱趋光性和假死习性。在日节律中,9∶00-11∶00和14∶00-16∶00为产卵高峰期,16∶00-19∶00为交配高峰期。雌虫出木后2 d开始交配,雄虫出木后4 d开始交配。雌雄虫一生可交配15.12±7.02次,每次交配时长为3.23±0.97 h,一天内仅交配一次。成虫主要趋向长势较弱的木棉树及枝条上产卵。产卵前期为13.50±3.15 d,平均产卵量为117.31±33.25粒。雌雄寿命分别为72.34±15.60 d和46.22±14.38 d。
      Glenea cantorFabricius is an important stem borer of Gossampinus malbarica DC. in southern China. Biological characteristics of this species was studied through indoor rearing and field investigation. Results showed that G. cantorhad 4 generations a year in Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and mean generation duration was 70 d. G. cantorusually overwintered as the fourth instar larvae in host trunks or branches. Adults stayed in the pupal cells after eclosion for 5.97±1.11 d. Emergence of males was earlier than females for2-3 d. Both males and females displayed the behaviors of complementary nutrition, weak phototaxis, and suspended animation. The diel oviposition was observed from 9∶00 to 11∶00 a.m and from 14∶00 to 16∶00 p.m, and the diel mating between 16∶00 and 19∶00 p.m. Mating behavior of females was observed after emergence for 2 d, but that of males for 4 d. Mating times was 15.12±7.02 times during their life span. Both sexes ofG. cantormate only once a day, and each mating duration was 3.23±0.97 h. Females preferred the stems and branches of weak trees to oviposit. The preoviposition period was 13.50±3.15 d. Oviposition number of per female was 117.31±33.25. The average longevity of both female and male was 72.34±15.60 d and 46.22±14.38 d.
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