The toxicity of indoxacarb on honeybee (Apis mellifera L.)
中文关键词:  意大利蜜蜂  茚虫威  急性毒性试验  慢性毒性试验  风险评估
英文关键词:Apis mellifera  indoxacarb  the acute toxicity test  the chronic toxicity test  risk Assessment
张宝兰,何海坚,陈翠群,张宏涛 1.佛山市环境健康与安全评价研究中心佛山 5280002.广东中科英海科技有限公司佛山 528000 
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      通过单次饲喂高浓度茚虫威药液以及连续饲喂亚致死浓度茚虫威药液进行染毒,记录和分析急性慢性经口毒性试验中,意大利蜜蜂的中毒症状和死亡情况;测定慢性毒性试验中意大利蜜蜂每天药液消耗量,并计算危害商值进行初步风险评价。结果表明,98%茚虫威原药对意大利蜜蜂的半致死剂量48 h-LD50为0.399 μg a.i./bee,每日半数致死剂量240 h-LDD50为0.0233 μg a.i./bee/day,其中慢性毒性试验中1.66 mg a.i./L处理组的意大利蜜蜂死亡率在144 h之后呈现显著性的增加,240 h达到70%,且该处理组意大利蜜蜂的摄食量为17.6 μL,少于对照组和其他处理组。此外,茚虫威根据目前推荐使用剂量计算出的危害商值基本大于50。茚虫威对意大利蜜蜂急性毒性(48 h)是高毒,存在较高的风险;亚致死浓度在144 h后会对意大利蜜蜂造成较大的威胁。
      The purpose of this research was to study the toxicity effects of indoxacarb on honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). Toxicity symptoms and mortality of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.)were analyzed by single dose feeding of a high concentration with the acute oral toxicity test, and continuous feeding of indoxacarb in the chronic toxicity test. The daily consumption of the honeybee was measured in the chronic toxicity test, and the hazard quotient was calculated for the Preliminary Risk Assessing. The 48 h-LD50 of indoxacarb of honeybee was 0.399 μg a.i./bee and the 240 h-LDD50 was 0.0233 μg a.i./bee/day. The honeybee mortality of 1.66 mg a.i./L treatment in the chronic toxicity test increased significantly after 144 h and reached to 70% at 240 h. The food consumed by honeybee of this treatment was 17.6 μL, which was less than the controls and the other treatments. In addition, the hazard quotient calculated by indoxacarb according to the recommended dose was more than 50 basically. The acute toxicity of indoxacarb on honeybee was high, which was harmful to honeybee, and the higher sublethal concentrations of indoxacarb were threaten to honeybee after 144 h.
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