Pathogenicity and histopathological affection of Beauveria bassiana HFW-05 on Bemisia tabacinymphs
中文关键词:  球孢白僵菌  烟粉虱  致病力  组织病理变化
英文关键词:Beauveria bassiana  Bemisia tabaci  pathogenicity  histopathological changes
曹伟平,宋健,赵建江,冯书亮,杜立新 河北省农林科学院植物保护研究所河北省农业有害生物综合防治工程技术研究中心农业部华北北部作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室河北保定 071000 
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      环境温湿度是影响白僵菌菌株致病力的关键因素,本文测定了不同温、湿度下白僵菌Beauveria bassiana HFW-05对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci若虫及卵的致病力,同时观察了烟粉虱感病若虫的组织病理变化。结果表明,各浓度下烟粉虱若虫的校正死亡率随时间变化曲线基本一致,接种3-4 d时出现死亡高峰,白僵菌HFW-05对烟粉虱1龄、2龄、3龄若虫的LC50分别为5.94×10^4、1.06×10^5、5.08×10^5孢子/mL,LT50分别为2.54 d、2.68 d、3.18 d;白僵菌HFW-05对卵的致病力很低,1×10^8孢子/mL接种浓度下,卵的6 d感染率仅为24.9%。在25℃、30℃下,HFW-05对烟粉虱若虫表现出最强的致病力,高于或低于此温度时,烟粉虱若虫死亡速度减慢,死亡率降低。相对湿度发生变化时,烟粉虱若虫死亡速度和死亡率明显不同,相对湿度高于90%时,烟粉虱若虫死亡速度最快,死亡率最高,相对湿度介于70%-90%时,白僵菌HFW-05对烟粉虱若虫的致病力无明显差异,但校正死亡率显著低于环境湿度大于90%的处理,相对湿度低于70%时,烟粉虱死亡率也达到60%左右。组织病理学观察显示尾部舌状突是HFW-05侵染烟粉虱若虫的关键部位。研究结果表明白僵菌HFW-05在烟粉虱的生物防治中有较大的潜力。
      Temperature and humidity are key factors to affect the pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana HFW-05.The pathogenicity of B. bassiana to Bemisia tabaci nymphs under different temperatures and humidities were studied in the laboratory. The histopathological changes of B. tabaci nymphs infected by strain HFW-05 also were observed. The corrected mortality of each period of B. tabaci nymphs treated by strain HFW-05 showed the same curves. The infection peak day of different instar nymphs appeared on the 3rd-4th day after inoculation. The LC50of the first to the third instar nymphs were 5.94×10^4,1.06×10^5 and 5.08×10^5conidia/mL , respectively. The LT50were 2.54 d,2.68 d and 3.18 d, respectively. It showed very low pathogenic activity to the egg which infection rate was 24.9% after 6 d inoculation with 1×10^8 conidia/mL concentration. Strain HFW-05 showed the highest pathoginicity to B. tabaci nymphs at 25℃ and 30℃. The pathoginicity of HFW-05 decreased when the temperature <25℃ or >30℃. The mortalities of the B. tabaci nymphs under different humidities showed significant differences. The nymphs died most quickly and the mortality was the highest under above 90% relative humidity, while the mortality decreased drastically under 70%-90% relative humidity. The mortality was about 60% under below 70% relative humidity. The conical lingula of B. tabaci nymphs was the most important invasive part. B. bassiana HFW-05 has the potential to be used for biological control against B. tabaci.
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