Bionomics of Megachile strupigera Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)
中文关键词:  白斑切叶蜂  生活史  筑巢习性  访花行为  天敌  生物学特性
英文关键词:Megachile strupigera  life history  nesting behavior  foraging behavior  natural enemies  biological characteristics
何波,黄敦元,苏田娟,牛泽清,谷战英*,朱朝东* 1. 中南林业科技大学长沙 4100042. 中国科学院动物研究所动物进化和系统学重点实验室北京 1001013. 江西环境工程职业学院江西赣州 341000 
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      白斑切叶蜂Megachile strupigera是我国南方野生植物及部分农林作物的有效传粉昆虫之一。本文利用人工巢管完成白斑切叶蜂的野外收集和观察,结合室内人工饲养和相关数据的采集,系统研究了该蜂除成虫外各虫态的形态特征、生活史、筑巢习性和访花行为以及寄生性天敌等相关生物学特性。结果表明:白斑切叶蜂在江西赣州地区1年2代,以滞育状态下的老熟幼虫在虫室中越冬,滞育期约270 d。成虫翌年5月下旬开始出巢活动,主要包括羽化、交配、产卵、筑巢、访花等行为。室内观察和测量发现该蜂的卵近似微弯的长圆柱形,长3.15±0.14 mm。卵期2-3 d;幼虫期6-8 d;蛹期10-12 d。该蜂雄性个体多于雌性个体且同年2代雌雄比有一定的差异。该蜂成虫主要到访黄荆Vites negundo和藤金合欢Acacia sinuate等多种植物。该蜂偏好选择内径在0.614-0.948 cm,长度在8.1-20.1 cm的巢管筑巢。该蜂幼虫期寄生性天敌主要有Melittobia australica和波赤腹蜂Euaspis polynesia。本研究通过对白斑切叶蜂基础生物学进行研究,旨在为该蜂人工管理、驯化、工厂化繁殖等技术提供基础,同时也为制定该蜂保护策略和适宜栖息地环境的构建提供重要理论依据。
      Megachile strupigera is one of the effective pollinators for the wild plants and crops in the south of China With artificial nest (trap nesting) as the collecting material, the field collection and observation were implemented. And combined with the indoor artificial breeding and data collection, the related biological characteristics such as the morphological characteristics, life history, nesting habits, pollination behavior and parasitic natural enemies were systematically studiedM. strupigera has two generations a year in Jiangxi Province and overwinters as a diapaused mature larva in the zooecium, with the diapause period of about 270 d And the adult would begin to go out of its nest in late May of the next year, mainly including behaviors of eclosion, mating, oviposition, nesting and flower foraging According to the indoor observation and measurement, it is found that the shape of the egg is approximate cylinder, slightly curved, with the length of 3.15±0.14 mm The stage of the egg, larva and pupa is 2-3 d, 6-8 d and 10-12 d, respectively. Through the indoor feeding, we have found that the male individuals are generally more than the females, and there is certain difference in the sex ratio between the first generation and the second generation (overwintering generation). During the adult stage, M. strupigera mainly visit the plants of Vites negundo and Acacia sinuate The lengths of the nesting tubes selected by the bees were between 8.1 and 20.1 cm, and the inner diameters were 0.614-0.948 cm The parasitic natural enemies for the larval phase of M. strupigera mainly include Melittobia australica and Euaspis Polynesia Through the basic research of the biological characteristics of M. strupigera, the application of the M. strupigera in manual administration, domestication and industrialized propagation will be promoted, which is also the significant theory basis for the formation of conservation strategy and the construction of suitable habitat environment.
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