Population dispersion of Chrysolina aeruginosa based on mark-recapture method
中文关键词:  沙蒿  沙蒿金叶甲  种群密度  标记重捕  种群扩散
英文关键词:Artemisia spp.  Chrysolina aeruginosa  population density  mark-recapture method  population dispersion
王杰1,李岳诚2,张大治1* (1.宁夏大学生命科学学院银川 7500212.宁夏葡萄酒与防沙治沙职业技术学院防沙治沙工程系宁夏永宁 750199) 
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      沙蒿金叶甲是沙蒿的主要害虫之一,近年来在我国西北荒漠地区危害严重,导致大量沙蒿死亡。本文在宁夏灵武白芨滩国家级自然保护区荒漠景观中选择了一块以沙蒿为主要建群种的实验样地,2013年7月利用标记重捕技术调查了该样地沙蒿金叶甲的种群数量变动及其扩散规律。结果显示,该样地沙蒿金叶甲的种群总数为1505.13±1184.90,平均种群密度为4.79头/m2,平均存活率为0.7605,平均迁入率为0.5488,平均新增数量为741.72头。沙蒿金叶甲扩散距离主要集中在距中心点0-900 cm之间,但在100 cm范围内扩散的个体最多;扩散方位主要集中在东北方向,向其他方位扩散数量相对较少。沙蒿金叶甲的扩散规律与其生物学特性以及沙蒿的空间分布有密切关系。
      Chrysolina aeruginosa(Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) is one of the main pests of Artemisiaspp. In recent years, this phytophagous beetle has spread rapidly throughout Northwest China, which has led to mass mortalities of Artemisia spp. In this paper, the population dynamics and dispersion of C. aeruginosawere investigated by mark-recapture method in Ningxia Lingwu Baijitan National Nature Reserve, northwest of China. The results showed that the population quantity of C.aeruginosa was 1505.13±1184.90. The average population density of C.aeruginosawas 4.79 per square meter. The average survival rate was 0.7605 and immigration rate was 0.5488. The average value of immigration was 741.72. Dispersal distances of C.aeruginosa were between 0-900 cm that mainly concentrated in 100 cm. C.aeruginosamainly dispersed to northeast direction. The dispersal pattern ofC.aeruginosa was closely related to its biological characteristics and the spatial distribution ofArtemisiaspp.
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