The efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against cashew leaf miners Acrocercops syngramma in the laboratory
中文关键词:  昆虫病原线虫  斯氏属线虫  异小杆属线虫  腰果细蛾  致病力
英文关键词:Entomopathogenic nematode  Steinernema  Heterorhabditis  Acrocercops syngramma  efficacy
张中润,王金辉,黄海杰,黄伟坚 (中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所/农业部华南作物基因资源与种质创制重点实验室海南儋州 571737) 
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      室内测定了Steinernema carpocapsae All、S.carpocapsae Biosys、S.glaseriNC52、S. longicaudum X-7、Heterorhabditis bacteriophora H06和H. indica LN2 共6个昆虫病原线虫品系对腰果细蛾Acrocercops syngrammaMeyrick幼虫的致病力。结果表明,线虫S. carpocapsae All、Biosys品系与线虫S. glaseri NC52对腰果细蛾幼虫的致死效果显著高于其它线虫,但供试的6个线虫品系均未能在腰果细蛾幼虫体内繁殖下一代,说明供试线虫在腰果细蛾幼虫体内难以繁殖。选择小卷蛾斯氏线虫S. carpocapsae All进一步研究其对腰果细蛾的致病力,结果发现,All线虫对腰果细蛾3龄幼虫处理24 h后的致死中浓度LC50为19.88 IJs/虫。腰果细蛾各龄幼虫和蛹对小卷蛾斯氏线虫S. carpocapsae All均表现出高度的敏感性,但不同幼虫龄期和处理时间敏感程度不同。小卷蛾斯氏线虫S. carpocapsae All对不同龄期腰果细蛾幼虫和蛹均表现出较强的致病力。
      The efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) from the families of Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae against the larvae of Acrocercops syngrammawas tested in the laboratory. Six nematode strains including Steinernema carpocapsae All,S.carpocapsaeBiosys, S.glaseri NC52, S.longicaudum X=7,Heterorhabditis bacteriophora H06 and H.indica LN2 were used in the study The results showed that, the mortality of cashew leaf miner larvae caused by All, Biosys and NC52 were significantly higher than that caused by other strains No. nematode juvenile of next generation was found in insect cadavers treated with EPNs, which indicated that EPNs have poor potential to reproduce within the body of A.syngramma larvae.S.carpocapsae All was further selected for the subsequent bioassay.In laboratory bioassay experiment,S.carpocapsae. All showed high virulence on the 3rd instar larvae of A.syngramma, showing LC50 of 19.88 IJs per insect. The larvae from each stage and the pupae ofA.syngrammawere highly susceptible to S.carpocapsae All However, the susceptibility differed according to the developmental stage of insects and the treated time. The findings indicated that S.carpocapsae All was highly virulent to the larvae ofA.syngramma in the laboratory.
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