Management measures and analysis on the major factors causing outbreak of brown planthopper in partial area of Fujian in 2015
中文关键词:  褐飞虱  暴发  原因  分析  防控对策
英文关键词:Nilaparvata lugens(Stal)  outbreak  cause  analysis  management measure
基金项目:福建省科技计划项目—省属公益类科研院所基本科研专项(2015R1024 5; 2014R1024 10); 福建省科技重大专项(2015NZ0002 3); 国家重大农技推广服务试点项目(2015)
邱良妙,刘其全,林仁魁,占志雄* (1. 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 福州 350013
2. 福建省作物有害生物监测与治理重点实验室, 福州 350013
3. 福建省农业科学院水稻研究所, 福州 350019
4. 福建省仙游县植保植检站, 福建仙游 351200) 
摘要点击次数: 754
全文下载次数: 989
      Combined with the historical data, the factors causing the outbreak of brown planthopper(BPH), Nilaparvata lugens(Stal) were analyzed by the method of ecological principle of insect population in Fujian in 2015. The results revealed that the mixture of immigrants amd local initial populations were the important incentive causes of outbreak of BPH, but the key and crucial cause of internal was the extremely high growth rate of BPH. And the favorable weather conditions corresponded with the rice period of heading and grain filling formatted the key and crucial factors of extrinsic So the synergistic action of the key factors of internal and extrinsic leaded to the outbreak of BPH. The immediate cause of high yield losses occurred mainly due to the failure of prevention and control on BPH. So the research of populations and resistance monitoring on BPH, reduce to use pesticide and chemical fertilizer in rice field, applied technology of control and training should be all carried out further.The work of professional prevention and control on BPH should also be accelerated and promoted also.
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