李广,车少臣,仇兰芬,邵金丽,仲 丽,韩 名,赵羽,王建红*,2016,北坞园林绿地捕食性瓢虫发生规律及生态位的研究[J].环境昆虫学报,(2):305-312
Research on the occurrence regularities of ladybugs in green space of Beiwu
中文关键词:  时序动态  种群竞争力  优势种  生态位宽度  生态位重叠  黄板
英文关键词:Season dynamics  population competition ability  dominance species  niche breadth  niche overlap  yellow sticky board
李广,车少臣,仇兰芬,邵金丽,仲 丽,韩 名,赵羽,王建红* (1 北京市园林科学研究院北京 1001022 北京市西山试验林场三家店分场北京 102300) 
摘要点击次数: 804
全文下载次数: 1014
      To effectively protect and utilize the predatory ladybugs on green space of Beijing, the season dynamics and niche of ladybugs have been researched. The species of the predatory ladybugs on green space of Beijing are investigated using the method of hanging yellow sticky board under plants shoot. Then the season dynamics, niche breadth, niche overlap of dominant ladybugs species are analized. The species of ladybugs were classified into three types respectively, strong, medium and weak population competition ability by niche breadth, dominant, common and occasional species by Mcnaughton dominance index. And Harmonia axyridis , Propylea japonica , Oenopia conglobata and Chilocorus kuwanae are species of strong population competition ability and dominant species simultaneously. The season dynamics of dominant predatory ladybugs on green space of Beijing not only related to the aphid species damaging on different plants, but also related to species of plants, The index of niche ovelap of H.axyridis and P. japonica, H.axyridis andC. kuwanae,P. japonica and O. Conglobata are higher than 0.8. And the index of niche ovelap of H.axyridis and O. Conglobata , P. japonica and C.kuwanae ,O. Conglobata and C. Kuwanae are less than 0.7. The results provide the technical support for effectively protecting ladybugs of green space.
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