马华博, 陈俊谕,胡志慧, 张方平, 韩冬银, 符悦冠*,2016,拟小食螨瓢虫成虫对朱砂叶螨的觅食行为[J].环境昆虫学报,(2):293-298
Predatory behavior of Stethorus parapauperculus adult on Tetranychus cinnabarinus
中文关键词:  拟小食螨瓢虫  朱砂叶螨  取食节律  觅食行为
英文关键词:Stethorus parapauperculus  Tetranychus cinnabarinu  feeding rhythm  foraging behavior
马华博, 陈俊谕,胡志慧, 张方平, 韩冬银, 符悦冠* (1. 海南大学环境与植物保护学院,海口 570228
2. 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所,海口 571101
3. 海南大学应用科技学院,海南儋州 571737) 
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      为明确拟小食螨瓢虫的觅食特性,揭示其觅食行为机制,本研究针对拟小食螨瓢虫成虫对朱砂叶螨不同虫态的取食选择、日取食节律以及觅食行为活动特点等进行了观察和阐述。结果表明,拟小食螨瓢虫成虫对朱砂叶螨卵、幼螨、若螨和成螨的取食嗜好性有显著差异,取食量分别为23.2、15.8、10.5和8.0头;瓢虫对成螨的平均日取食量为14.7头,其中在白天其觅食行为较频繁,9:00-12 :00 为捕食高峰期,此时段的平均取食量为4.0头成螨,夜间基本不取食;其觅食行为过程主要分为7个部分:搜索、捕捉、嚼食、梳理、展翅、排泄和静止。
      In order to make clear the foraging characteristics of Stethorus parapauperculus, and then to reveal its foraging behavior mechanism, the feeding preference, daily feeding rhythms and predatory behavior of S parapauperculus adult to different stages of Tetranychus cinnabarinu were studied in this experiment. The results indicated that there had significant differences of feeding choice in egg, larva, nymph and adult of T. cinnabarinu, the feeding amount were 23.2, 15.8, 10.5 and 8.0 leaf mites, respectively. The average daily feeding of S. Parapauperculus was 14.7 adult mites, their foraging behavior more frequently during the day, and the predator peak appeared in 9:00-12;00, which feeding 4.0 adults T. Cinnabarinu average, while they do not feed almost at night. The predatory behavior of S. Parapauperculus adults was characteristic with seven events, which were searching, catching, feeding, cleaning, vibrating wings, excreting and resting, respectively.
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