李 静,路文雅,马峙英 *,赵 鑫,刘 倩,2016,太行山前平原麦田昆虫种类调查及4种药剂对麦红吸浆虫的药效实验[J].环境昆虫学报,(1):143-147
Investigation on insect community of wheat field in Taihang Piedmont and field efficacy test of 4 insecticides to control Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin)
中文关键词:  昆虫  麦红吸浆虫  药剂  防效
英文关键词:Insect  Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin)  insecticides  control efficiency
基金项目:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划“粮食丰产科技工程河北项目区”(2013BAD07B05, 2012BAD04B06, 2011BAD16B08)
李 静,路文雅,马峙英 *,赵 鑫,刘 倩 (河北农业大学植物保护学院河北保定071001) 
摘要点击次数: 711
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      With Gaocheng as an example, the insect community of wheat field in Taihang Piedmont were investigated by washing the soil, sweeping, hanging the yellow board, etc. The result showed that the species of insects in the field were relatively few, only 22 species of 14 families in 6 orders. According to the severity, the main pests were wheat midge, of which mainly was S.mosellana , and wheat aphids. There were 4 groups of natural enemies, including aphidiidaes, ladybugs, syrphid flies and chrysopids. The efficacy of Omethoate, Chlorpyrifos, Beta-cypermethrin and Imidacloprid in controlling S.mosellana was determined in the field. The results showed that the insecticides all had good control effect, and the reduce rates were over 80%. The reduce rate from high to low in turn was: Omethoate, Chlorpyrifos, Beta-cypermethrin and Imidacloprid. So using medium or low toxicity Chlorpyrifos, Beta-cypermethrin and Imidacloprid alternately based on how seriously S.mosellana happened was suggested.
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