The attractive effect of three natural baits to two species of termites
中文关键词:  堤坝白蚁  黑翅土白蚁  黄翅大白蚁  饵料  诱食
英文关键词:Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki  Macrotermes barneyi Light  bait  attractant
王春晓,庄天勇*,柯云玲,杨悦屏,曾环标,田伟金 (广东省昆虫研究所广东省农业害虫综合治理重点实验室广东省野生动物保护与利用公共实验室广州 510260) 
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      为筛选一种容易取材、价格低廉且诱食效果较佳的天然饵料,在野外测定了隆缘桉树皮、杉树皮和甘蔗渣三种饵料对黑翅土白蚁和黄翅大白蚁的诱食效果。结果表明在非选择性取食试验中,桉树皮、杉树皮和甘蔗渣在埋插后15 d的诱食率为84.26%、77.78%和8.33%;在选择性取食试验中,桉树皮、杉树皮和甘蔗渣在埋插后15 d的诱食率为87.04%、81.48%和9.26%。在两种试验条件下,桉树皮和杉树皮对两种白蚁均有较好的诱食效果,且两者之间的差异不显著,甘蔗渣对两种白蚁的诱食效果较差。
      In order to explore a new kind of natural bait which is easily accessible, inexpensive and favorbale effect,the attractive effect of bark of Eucalytus exserta and Taxodiaceae spp. and bagasse to Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki and Macrotermes barneyi Light was investigated in the fild. The results showed that in the non-selective experiment the attractive proportion on bark of Eucalytus exserta and Taxodiaceae spp. and bagasse was 84.26%, 77.78% and 8.33%respectively after 15 days. In the non-selective experiment the attractive proportion on bark of Eucalytus exserta and Taxodiaceae spp. and bagasse was 87.04%, 81.48% and 9.26% respectively after 15 days. Under the two kinds of conditions bark of Eucalytus exserta and Taxodiaceae spp. had favorbale effect on two termite, and had no significantly differences. The attractive effect of bagasse was worse.
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