Selective preferences of Placusa pinearum to volatiles of pine shoot
中文关键词:  松梢隐翅虫  微红梢斑螟虫害梢  挥发性物质  选择行为
英文关键词:Placusa pinearum  pine shoot infected by Dioryctria rubella  volatiles  selective preferences
赵正萍1,嵇保中1*,刘曙雯2,王丽平1,许忠祥3 (1. 南京林业大学南方现代林业协同创新中心南京林业大学林学院南京 2100372. 南京中山陵园管理局南京 2100143. 南京出入境检验检疫局南京 211106) 
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      In order to study the chemical information interactions between the volatiles of pine shoot and Placusa pinearum, the selective preferences of P. pinearumto volatiles of healthy pine shoot, pine shoot infected by Dioryctria rubella and larval frass of D. rubellawere determined with Y-tube olfactometer in this paper. The results showed that the male and the female adults preferred the pine shoots infected by D. rubella larvae to the control check significantly in Pinus massoniana,P. taedaandP. thunbergii, especially in that of P. massoniana. Comparing among the healthy pine shoot, the infected pine shoot and the larval frass, the rank order of female adults preferences was larval frass>biennial infected pine shoot>annual infected pine shoot. As to male adults, the rank order was the biennial infected pine shoot>larval frass>annual infected pine shoot. On the whole, P. pinearumadults preferred the infected pine shoot above all others. Meanwhile, they showed a repellent response on the healthy pine shoot to some extent. This experiment may provide a reference to study the dispersal behavior of P. pinearum adults in pine forest, and explore the biological control ofD. rubella by use of P. pinearum to deliver pathogens.
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