Advances in systematics of Chinese Mordellidae(Coleoptera)
中文关键词:  花蚤  分类  系统发育  东洋区  展望
英文关键词:Mordellidae  taxonomy  phylogeny  oriental region  advances
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31401998); 教育部博士点基金项目(20136101120013); 中国博士后科学基金(2013M541038)
摘要点击次数: 799
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      花蚤科 Mordellidae 隶属昆虫纲 Insecta 鞘翅目 Coleoptera,是一类小型甲虫。花蚤为世界性分布,全世界已知115属2308种。花蚤成虫多栖息于花中,是植物传花授粉的重要媒介;其幼虫多取食植物茎秆,是常见的农业害虫。因此,对其开展系统学研究,进行准确的种类鉴定对于农林业生产具有重要意义。目前世界范围内已开展的花蚤科研究均为区域性工作,相对其它动物地理区而言,东洋区尚有大量的种类有待发现和描述,同时也缺少全面的区系研究和系统的分类修订工作。另外,花蚤科是鞘翅目昆虫系统树上的关键节点之一,对其进行深入的形态、分子研究,重建其系统发育以修订完善鞘翅目高级阶元分类系统,也将对中国鞘翅目系统分类研究提供参考,对农林害虫防治工作提供借鉴。
      The family Mordellidae distributes worldwide, with about 115 known genera and 2308 species. Many species are pollinators, of which some are pests causing great economic losses. Most larvae are feeding on plant stems as common pests. Therefore, precise species identification of this family is of significant agroforestry importance. Compared with other faunae over the world, there is no detailed revisionary work on this family in Oriental region, and also a great number of species are still undetermined and undescribed. Since the Mordellidae is a key node in the phylogenetic tree of the Coleoptera, in-depth morphological and systematic studies of this family will improve the the current system of higher taxa in the Coleoptera and providing constructive information on pest control in agroforestry.
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