Evaluation of a suitable carrier plant for propagating Aphidius gifuensisAshmead
中文关键词:  烟蚜  烟蚜茧蜂  大规模扩繁  平卧菊三七
英文关键词:Myzus persicae  Aphidius gifuensis  large-scale propagation  Gynura procumbens
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      为评估平卧菊三七作为载体植物扩繁烟蚜茧蜂的适合性,测试了烟蚜在平卧菊三七、以及常见寄主植物烟草、茄子和二年生萝卜共4种寄主植物上的发育历期和繁殖力等,获得了净增殖率、周限增长率、内禀增长率、平均世代周期、种群加倍时间等主要生命表参数,比对了不同载体植物上的烟蚜对烟蚜茧蜂个体发育的影响。结果显示:这4种寄主植物上烟蚜的发育历期为二年生萝卜(22.79 d)>平卧菊三七(22.22 d)>烟草(22.01 d)>茄子(18.92 d),茄子上最短,其他三种寄主植物上无显著差异;单头烟蚜总产仔量为二年生萝卜(63头)>平卧菊三七(52头)>茄子(43头)>烟草(41头);内禀增长率rm值为茄子(0.283)>二年生萝卜(0.278)>平卧菊三七(0.277)>烟草(0.255)。表明相同条件下,相对于烟草,烟蚜偏好取食平卧菊三七;平卧菊三七作为载体扩繁出的烟蚜茧蜂僵蚜,体型与烟草、二年生萝卜扩繁者的差异不显著。平卧菊三七可用作大量扩繁烟蚜及烟蚜茧蜂的载体植物。
      In order to verify whether Gynura divavicatais a suitable host plants for propagatingAphidius gifuensis, we studied the developmental duration and fecundity of Myzus persicae on G. procumbens,Nicotiana tabacum, Solanum melongenaand Raphanus sativus.Meanwhile, we got the innate capacity for increase ( rm ) and other major life table parameters, compared the effects of Myzus persicaewhich from different host plants on Aphidius gifuensis's development. The results showed that the developmental durations of M. persicae on 4 host plants were R. sativus(22.790 d)>G. procumbens(22.225 d)> N tabacum (22.005 d)>S. melongena (18.924 d), there were no significant differences on the other 3 plants except S. melongena which was shortest. The reproduction ofM. persicaeon different hosts was R. sativus(63)>G. procumbens(52)>S. melongena(43)>N. tabacum(41);rmwas S. melongena(0.283)>R. sativus(0.278)>G. procumbens(0.277)>N.tabacum(0.255). Analysis of these results showed that under the same conditions, M. persicae prefer feeding S. melongena rather than feeding N. tabacum; the A. gifuensis's development were no significant differences between G. procumbensandS.melongena, Raphanus sativus. In summary, G. procumbens can be used as a suitable host plant to propagate large-scale M. persicae and A. gifuensis.
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