Cloning and analysis of Ostrinia furnacalischitin synthase B (CHSB) promoter sequence
中文关键词:  亚洲玉米螟  几丁质合成酶  启动子  顺式元件
英文关键词:Ostrinia furnacalis  chitin synthase  promoter  cis element
基金项目:公益性行业科研专项 (201303026)
摘要点击次数: 1009
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      昆虫几丁质合成酶是昆虫蜕皮和变态发育过程中几丁质生物合成的关键酶,同时也是环境友好杀虫剂的理想靶标。昆虫几丁质合成酶可分为两类,即A类和B类。其中A类几丁质合成酶(CHSA)主要合成昆虫表皮的几丁质,而B类几丁质合酶(CHSB)在围食膜的形成阶段表达。从亚洲玉米螟3 龄幼虫体内提取基因组DNA,利用染色体步移获得了CHSB完整的启动子序列。该DNA片段长度为1484 bp,分析显示该片段为 Of CHSB 基因5′端侧翼序列,转录起始位点从 +1 开始,OfCHSB 的开放阅读框从 +348 至 +402,分析表明6种类似的转录因子(GATA-1、C/EBPalpha、Oct-1、Dfd、CREB、ER)可能参与 OfCHSB 的转录调控。转录因子结合位点分别于 +116 至 +127(CREB)、+120 至 +131(ER)和 +292 至 +302(Oct-1)的区域可能是该启动子的核心顺式元件。
      Insect chitin synthase is the key enzyme of chitin biosynthesis in insect molting and metamorphosis process, and also is the ideal target of environmental friendly insecticides. Insect chitin synthase can be divided into two categories, namely the class A and B. Class A chitin synthase (CHSA) synthase chitin to form insect cuticle, and class B chitin synthase (CHSB) involved in the formation of peritrophic membrane. In this study, the 5′ flanking sequence (1484 bp) of CHSB which contains complete promoter sequence was obtained from third instar larvae of Asian corn borer by using genome walker. Sequence analysis shows that transcription factor binding sites distributed in 1082 to +347 regions in the 5′ flanking sequenceof CHSBgene. Six possible homogenous transcription factors binding sites were predicated out. Among these cis elements, +116 to +127 (CREB), +120 to +131 (ER) and +292 to +302 (Oct-1) regions may consist the core cis elements of this promoter.
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