曲绍轩,马林,袁野,宋金俤*,林金盛,李辉平,侯立娟,2015,食用菌厉眼蕈蚊Lycoriella ingenua 在温度逆境下的存活率[J].环境昆虫学报,37(3):688-692
食用菌厉眼蕈蚊Lycoriella ingenua 在温度逆境下的存活率
Survival rates of the mushroom sciarid fly Lycoriella ingenua under adverse temperatures
中文关键词:  高温  低温  厉眼蕈蚊  存活能力  逆境
英文关键词:high temperature  low temperature  Lycoriella ingenua  survival ability  adversity
曲绍轩,马林,袁野,宋金俤*,林金盛,李辉平,侯立娟 (江苏省农业科学院蔬菜研究所南京 210014) 
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      以食用菌重要害虫-厉眼蕈蚊属的Lycoriella ingenua为研究对象,研究了不同逆境温度下各虫态存活率的差异。结果表明温度对不同虫态存活率的影响存在显著性差异。成虫和蛹对高温具有一定适应性,卵对高温的适应性最低但具有一定的低温耐受力。在35-40℃高温下,相同暴露时间,各虫态的存活率随温度的升高而降低,但成虫的存活率均高于其它虫态。38℃下全部死亡的暴露时间分别为:成虫48 h,蛹24 h,幼虫12 h,卵2 h。在40℃达到全部死亡的暴露时间分别为:成虫24 h、蛹12 h、卵和幼虫0.5 h。低温处理下,各虫态随着暴露时间的延长存活率逐渐降低。5℃低温下,相同暴露时间,成虫存活率均高于其它虫态,但在0℃低温下暴露24 h后全部死亡,显著高于其它虫态;幼虫在低温下取食活动减弱,5℃下暴露24 h后停止取食,相同暴露时间下随着温度的降低存活率下降;蛹对0℃的耐受力高于成虫和幼虫,暴露4 h后可以正常羽化,48 h后全部死亡;卵对短时间的低温具有一定耐受力,但随着暴露时间的延长存活率降低幅度大。
      This study was made on the survival rates of the mushroom sciarid fly Lycoriella ingenua at different development stages after exposure to high and low temperatures. Effects of adverse temperatures on the survival rates of different stage were significantly different. The adaptation capabilities of adults and pupae stage to high temperatures were higher than egg and larva stage, while the adaptation capability of egg stage to high temperatures was the lowest but was some tolerance capability to low temperatures. At 35-40℃, the survival rates of all stages decreased with the increase of temperature at the same treatment time, however, the survival rates of adult stage were highest among other stages. The exposure time of 100% death at 38℃ was after 2 h (Egg), 48 h (Adult), 12 h (Larva), and 24 h (Pupa), respectively. Which The exposure at 40℃ was 24 h (Adult), 12 h (Pupa), and 0.5 h (Egg and Larva), respectively. Under 5℃in the low temperature treatment, the survival rates of adult stage were the highest in all stages, however, the survival rates of this stage were the lowest with 100% death at 0℃ after 24 h; Larva fed slowly and stopped feeding after 24 hours at 5℃, the survival rates of this stage were decreased strongly with decreasing temperature under the low temperatures; The tolerance to low temperature under 0℃ of pupa was higher than adult and larva, the emergence rate was 100% after 4 hours and the mortality was 100% after 48 hours; Egg had short time of tolerance to low temperature, but the hatching rates were decreased strongly with the increasing exposure times .
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