魏纳森1,2,ROSA Paolo3,许再福4*,2015,中国突背青蜂属Stilbum Spinola, 1806 分类研究(膜翅目:青蜂科)[J].环境昆虫学报,37(3):664-670
中国突背青蜂属Stilbum Spinola, 1806 分类研究(膜翅目:青蜂科)
A taxonomic study of the Chinese Stilbum Spinola, 1806 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
中文关键词:  中国  青蜂科  突背青蜂属
英文关键词:China  Chrysididae  Stilbum
魏纳森1,2,ROSA Paolo3,许再福4* (1. 广东省森林病虫害生物防治重点实验室广州5105202.广东省林业科学研究院广州5105203.Via Belvedere 8/d, I-20881 Bernareggio (MB)意大利4.华南农业大学昆虫学系广州 510640) 
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      突背青蜂属Stilbum Spinola, 1806隶属于膜翅目、青蜂科、青蜂族。该属昆虫颚眼距长、后胸背板具杯状结构及中胸下侧板具3齿等特征可区别于青蜂科中的其他属种类。目前,该属全世界已知4种,其中焰突背青蜂Stilbum calens (Fabricius, 1781)和蓝突背青蜂Stilbum cyanurum (Forster, 1771)在我国有分布。本文详细记述了我国这两种青蜂的特征和特征图,并附世界已知种类的分种检索表。
      The genus Stilbum Spinola, 1806 belongs to Chrysidini (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). It separates from other genera of Chrysididae by the long malar space, cup-shaped projection on metanotum and three teeth on mesopleuron. Currently, four species of Stilbumare known in the world, with S. calens (Fabricius, 1781) and S. cyanurum (Forster, 1771)are found also in China. This paper provides detail descriptions of the two Chinese species, together with high resolution photos and a key to the four known species in the world, which could be a reference to identify Chinese Stilbum
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