Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against Agrotis segetum larvae
中文关键词:  昆虫病原线虫  格氏线虫  黄地老虎  致病力
英文关键词:entomopathogenic nematodes  Steinernema glaseri  Agrotis segetum  pathogenicity
张安邦,南宫自艳,宋萍,王勤英* (河北农业大学植物保护学院河北保定071000) 
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      为了探索应用昆虫病原线虫防治黄地老虎Agrotis segetum的可行性,室内生测比较了9个昆虫病原线虫品系对黄地老虎4龄幼虫的致病力。生测结果表明,9个不同昆虫病原线虫品系对黄地老虎4龄幼虫的致病力差别很大,其中格氏线虫Steinernema glaseri ib(Sgib)是对黄地老虎幼虫致病力最强的昆虫病原线虫品系,侵染24、36和72 h 黄地老虎幼虫的校正死亡率均高于其他线虫品系。此外,还测定了不同温度、土壤湿度以及线虫剂量对格氏线虫Sgib致病力的影响,结果表明,在21℃-27℃、20%土壤湿度以及侵染期线虫与黄地老虎幼虫数量比不少于10∶1的条件下,格氏线虫Sgib对黄地老虎幼虫的致病效果最好。田间小区实验表明,格氏线虫Sgib对黄地老虎幼虫的防效达到96.67%。
      The pathogenicity of nine entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) against 4th- instar larvae of Agotis segetum was tested in the laboratory to evaluate the potential of EPNs as the biocontrol agent for A. Segetum. The bioassay results showed that pathogenicity of nine EPNS species of against fourth instar lavae of A. Segetum were different under laboratory condition, the Steinernema glaseri ib(Sgib)had the strongest pathogenicity to lavae of A. Segetum and stronger than other one after 24 h, 36 h, 72 h,The influence of temperature, soil moisture and dosage on virulence of Sgib to A. Segetum was tested under laboratory condition. The results showed that virulence of Sgib to A. segetum larvae was the optimum at 21℃-27℃, 20% soil moisture and 10∶1 ratio of nematode to insect In the field trials, Sgib indicated good control effect with 96.67% of A. segetum mortality.
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