Identification of heat shock protein genes in Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera:Pseudococcidae)
中文关键词:  棉花粉蚧  热休克蛋白基因  进化
英文关键词:Phenacoccus solenopsis  heat shock protein gene (Hsp gene)  evolution
陈芳,陆永跃* (华南农业大学昆虫学系广州510642) 
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      热休克蛋白(heat shock proteins,Hsps)是生物体或细胞受到热胁迫后新合成的一类遗传上高度保守的蛋白,在昆虫应对外界环境因子胁迫时起着重要作用。为了系统研究棉花粉蚧 Phenacoccus solenopsis Hsp 基因家族,对棉花粉蚧转录组基因注释信息进行分析、获得目标序列,并应用NCBI上BlastX等软件进行比对、共鉴定出24条热激蛋白(Hsp)基因,包括3个Hsp90、8个Hsp70、2个Hsp60和11个sHsp (small heat shock protein,sHsp) 基因。对棉花粉蚧与模式昆虫家蚕Bombyx mori、黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster、赤拟谷盗 Tribolium castaneum系统进化关系分析显示,昆虫的小分子量热休克蛋白sHsp具有很强的种属特异性,Hsp70家族的保守性比sHsp强。棉花粉蚧热激蛋白基因的鉴定为深入研究该虫Hsp与生长发育、抗逆境的相互关系奠定了基础。
      Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are highly conserved proteins synthesized in whole organisms or cultured cells when expose to thermal stress, and they play an improtant role in the response of insects to the environmental factor stress. In order to study the Hsp gene family of Phenacoccus solenopsis, the gene annotation information of the cotton mealybug transcriptome was analyzed, and the target sequences were obtained. BlastX in NCBI was used to analyze and identified 24 Hsp genes in the transcriptome, including 3 Hsp90, 8 Hsp70, 2 Hsp60 and 11 sHsp (small heat shock proteins, sHsp) genes. Phylogentic analysis of the Hsp genes among P solenopsis, Bombyx mori, Drosophila melanogaster and Tribolium castaneum revealed that sHsps were species-specific, but Hsp70 proteins were more conserved than sHsps in insects. The identification of heat shock protein genes will support the further studies on the interactions between Hsps and the development and environmental stress in P. solenopsis.
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