Temporal and spatial suitable establishment of Tropilaelaps mercedesae in China based on climatic comparability
中文关键词:  小蜂螨  适生性  气候相似性  马氏距离  阈值
陈祉作1,李金山1*,余林生2,李耘3 (1. 北京林业大学理学院北京 100083 2. 安徽农业大学蜂业研究所合肥 230036 3. 中国农业科学院农业质量标准与检测技术研究所北京 100093) 
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      小蜂螨是亚洲地区重要的蜜蜂害螨,是一种比大蜂螨更具危害性的寄生螨。研究明确梅氏热厉螨Tropilaelaps mercedesae在我国的时空分布规律,对小蜂螨的快速监测和早期预防具有重要意义,进而有助于减少其对蜂产业造成的损失。根据气候相似性原理,分别基于马氏距离和欧氏距离逐月计算目标区域与小蜂螨暴发区域间的气候相似距,从时间和空间两个维度探究小蜂螨在中国的适生性。结果表明:马氏距离较欧氏距离更优。小蜂螨在我国的适生性存在季节、地域性差异。在季节上,小蜂螨从春季至冬季的适生性先增强后减弱,秋季的适生性最强。在地域上,小蜂螨在南方地区的适生性高于北方地区,在东部地区的适生性高于西部地区,其中华南地区的适生性最高,东北地区的适生性最低。最后,通过优化最小平方误差的策略获取阈值和临界值,并根据适生性区域划分标准,基于GIS软件逐月绘制了小蜂螨的适生分布图谱。
      Tropilaelaps spp. is considered as a more damaging pest of Apis mellifera than the parasitic mite Varroa destructor in Asia, resulting in serious damage to bee health. A better understanding of temporal and spatial suitable establishment of Tropilaelaps mercedesa in China would be beneficial for monitoring and controlling the pest, and be helpful for reduction of the loss of bee industry.Based on the climatic similarity theory, the temporal and spatial suitable establishment o T. Mercedesae between target areas and outbreak areas were analyzed by Mahalanobis and Euclidean distance. The result demonstrated that the Mahalanobis distance was better than the Euclidean distance, and seasonal and regional differences were found in the suitability of T. Mercedesae In terms of season, the suitability of mercedesae increased from spring, achieved its summit in autumn and then decreased.In terms of district, the suitability of the pest in Southern China was stronger than Northern China, and the suitability of the pest in Eastern China was higher than Western China. The highest suitability of T. mercedesaewas in Southern China, and the lowest was in Northeastern China.The outbreak threshold and critical value of T. Mercedesae were obtained by a strategy through minimizing the least square error, and the monthly suitable distribution of T. mercedesae was drawn by using GIS and its suitable establishment area partition.
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