The community structure and its diversity dynamic change of Cicadellidae in the karst plateau mountainous rocky desertification areas
中文关键词:  石漠化  治理  叶蝉多样性  动态变化
英文关键词:rocky desertification control  Cicadellidae diversity, dynamic change
赵振强,熊康宁*,宋月华,罗鼎,赵盼弟 (贵州师范大学中国南方喀斯特研究院国家喀斯特石漠化防治工程技术研究中心贵阳 550001) 
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      In order to study the dynamic response of Cicadellidae community to ecological function recovery, different sample plots and response comparison groups were set based on rocky desertification grades in Salaxi Chaoying small basin, Bijie. The sample plots and Cicadellidae species were surveyed and identified indoor from May to October of 2013-2014, aimed at researching the spatial and temporal pattern of Cicadellidae community in different rocky desertification grades, especially the ecological response of rocky desertification control effect. The results show that there are 3049 species of Cicadellidae, belonging to 11 subfamily and 53 genera. The dominant communities are Typhlocybinae, Deltocephalinae and Cicadellinae, accounting for 44.70%, 21.78% and 14.66% of the total number, respectively. Compared with the comparison groups, the genera and individual number of Cicadellidae have increased in rocky desertification control areasand showed the seasonal variation, especially in July and August. With the rocky desertification control further going on, the number of species and individual will increase. In the whole, the rocky desertification grade and structure characteristics index of Cicadellida community show a significant negative correlation: the more light the rocky desertification grade, the larger the Shannon-Wiener diversity and Margale richness indexes. The Pieluo evenness index is contrary to dominance index in trend in sample plots of different rocky desertification grades.
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