Preliminary researches in mass rearing of predatory natural enemy insect Orius sauteri (Hemiptera:Anthocoridae)
中文关键词:  东亚小花蝽,米蛾卵,种群指数,饲养密度,产卵基质
英文关键词:Orius sauteri  Corcyra cephalonica eggs   population index   rearing density  oviposition substrate
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      本研究在实验室条件下,评价了以米蛾Corcyra cephalonica卵作为东亚小花蝽Orius sauteri替代饲料的饲养效率及其对米蛾卵的取食量等,探讨了成虫最佳饲养密度和最佳产卵基质等繁殖关键技术点。结果发现,东亚小花蝽取食米蛾卵可以满足全世代生长发育的营养需求,单雌均产卵量为70.5±4.2粒,种群指数为22.18;东亚小花蝽雌成虫一生需要取食米蛾卵183.8±5.4粒;以每对成虫50 cm3的空间密度饲养东亚小花蝽成虫时,其单雌产卵量最多(70.2±3.2粒),与雌成虫单头饲养时的产卵量(70.5±4.2粒)相近;在供试的四种产卵基质中,东亚小花蝽偏好选择白芸豆Phaseolus Bulgaris嫩茎和具叶柄叶片作为产卵基质,其卵的孵化率可达91.76%,显著高于发芽的蚕豆Vicia faba种子和夏至草Lagopsis supina 嫩茎。以上研究结果可为东亚小花蝽的规模化饲养提供有价值的技术依据。
      In our researches, we evaluated the feeding efficiency of Orius sauteri fed on Ccephalonica eggs, and the consumption of C cephalonica eggs, identified the key technologies of the optimum rearing density and oviposition substrates These studies founded that Osauteri fed on Ccephalonica eggs could compete the development and reproduction The average amount of spawning per female was 70.47±4.21, and the population index was 22.18; About 183.76±5.43 eggs of Ccephalonica were consumed in Osauteri′s lifetime; the optimum rearing density of Osauteri adult was 50 cm3 per couple, and the average amount of spawning per female was about 70.17±3.17 at this rearing density, which was no significate difference with that female reared alone Osauteri prefered laying eggs in immature stem and leaves(petiole included)of white kidney bean (Phaseolus bulgaris)compared with the other two substrates(germinated Vicia faba seeds and Lagopsis supina stems). The hatching rate was upto 91.76%, which was significant higher than the other two The research results above mentioned could be valuetechnical base in mass rearing of Osauteri
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