Study on the purification of pathogenic fungi from the rice stem borer larvae and the control of Bemisia tabaci and Nilaparvata lugens
中文关键词:  病原真菌  生物特性  烟粉虱  褐飞虱  毒力测定
英文关键词:pathogenic fungi  biological characteristics   bemisia tabaci  nilaparvata lugens  toxicity determination
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      通过对罹病二化螟Chilo suppressalis (Walker)幼虫病原真菌的分离纯化,筛选出5种不同真菌,探究不同营养对不同真菌生物活性的影响,并测定其对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)和褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens (Stal)成虫和若虫的室内毒力。选择毒力最强的菌株,通过生物型的初步鉴定,明确高毒力菌株的种类。结果表明:所筛选的5种真菌对两种害虫均具有较高的毒力,其中菌株A26和Bbr14对烟粉虱和褐飞虱具有较强的毒力,在处理后第9 d,菌株A26对烟粉虱成虫和若虫的累计校正死亡率均最高分别达84.69%、77.62%,感染率为91.17%、88.24%,LT50为4.31 d、4.87 d;处理后第10 d对褐飞虱成虫和若虫的累计校正死亡率达87.54%、73.18%,感染率为90.13%、87.13%,LT50为4.27d、5.14 d,而菌株Bbr14的效果仅次于A26。鉴定的结果显示菌株A26为曲霉,菌株Bbr14为球孢白僵菌,曲霉的安全性有待研究,球孢白僵菌的应用技术已较成熟,有望能在防治这两类重要害虫中发挥作用。
      By the separation and purification of pathogenic fungi from Chilo suppressalis Walker larva, 5 different fungi were screened The effect of different nutrition on the biological activity of fungi were explored and the toxicity to adults and nymphs of Bemisia tabaci and Nilaparvata lugens were measured The most toxic strains were selected and the biotypes were clear through preliminary identification The results showed that 5 species of fungi have high toxicity to the two insect pests, and the toxicity of A26 and Bbr14 strains are stronger than others After processing 9 days, the accumulative mortality of A26 strain on adults and nymphs of B tabaci was the highest, 84.69%, 77.62% respectively, the infection rate was 91.17%, 88.24% and the LT50 was 4.31 d, 4.87 d, both were the lowest After processing 10 days, the accumulative mortality of A26 strain on adults and nymphs of N lugens was 87.54%, 73.18%, the infection rate was 90.13%, 87.13% and the LT50 was 5.14 d The effect of Bbr14 strain was lower Identification results showed that A26 strain was Aspergillus, Bbr14 strain was Beauveria bassiana and the effects of different nutrition on the biological activity were difference These provided the basis for the biological control of pests and fermentation
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