Molecular cloning and expression in different induction of Heat Shock Protein 67B2 gene in Harmonia axyridis (Pallas)
中文关键词:  小分子热激蛋白  异色瓢虫  荧光定量PCR  低温诱导  饥饿处理
英文关键词:small heat shock protein  Harmonia axyridis  quantitative expression  cold induction  starvation
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      小分子热激蛋白是一种重要的分子伴侣,可以在环境胁迫下帮助蛋白质折叠和转运。本研究在转录组获得异色瓢虫 Harmonia axyridis HSP67B2基因部分序列的基础上,通过RACE技术克隆得到了 HSP67B2 基因的 cDNA 全长序列(基因登录号:KJ155728),全长626 bp,其中编码140个氨基酸,3′非翻译区为 81 bp,5′非翻译区为122 bp,软件分析预测显示该基因编码蛋白的分子量为1597 kD,理论等电点为661。采用荧光定量 PCR 技术对异色瓢虫 HSP67B2基因在不同发育阶段、低温诱导条件和饥饿处理下的表达进行了研究,结果表明:HSP67B2 基因在幼虫期的表达量最高;在低温诱导和饥饿处理下,HSP67B2 基因出现上调表达并且表达效率显著提高,表明HSP67B2 基因可以通过调控小分子热激蛋白的合成使异色瓢虫适应环境变化。 
      Small heat shock protein, an important molecular chaperone, can assist protein folding and transporting under environmental stress Based on Harmonia axyridis transcriptome, the experiment got the full cDNA of HSP67B2 in H axyridis which consists of 626 nucleotides (GenBank accession number:KJ155728)including an nucleotides that encodes 140 amino acid residues and a 122 or 81 nucleotide for 5′〖KG-*3〗-or 3′〖KG-*3〗-non-coding region respectively Software analysis predicts HSP67B2 has a molecular weight of 1597 kD and electronic point of 661 Meantime real-time PCR was adopted to detect the expression of H axyridis HSP67B2 at different developmental stages and under the treatment of cold induction and starvation The results show that the expression level of HSP67B2 is highest in the larval stage and HSP67B2 gene is significantly up-regulated under the treatment of cold induction and starvation The results imply that HSP67B2 gene can make H axyridis adapt to enviorment changes by precisely the regulation of the small heat shock protein synthesis
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