,2014,Photorhabdus luminescens LN2转座突变菌株的研究[J].环境昆虫学报,(6):905-911
Photorhabdus luminescens LN2转座突变菌株的研究
Study on the transposon-mutants of Photorhabdus luminescens LN2
中文关键词:  昆虫病原线虫  发光杆菌  Tn5  生长发育  感染期线虫产量
英文关键词:Entomopathogenic nematodes  Photorhabdus  Tn5  Growth and development  Yield of infective juveniles
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31010103912, 31000879, 31101494);广东省科技计划项目(2012B050700008);广州市珠江科技新星专项(2011J2200032, 2013J2200090)
摘要点击次数: 887
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      发光杆菌属Photorhabdus细菌与异小杆属Heterorhabditis昆虫病原线虫的共生关系是这类生物杀虫剂产业化生产和田间应用的基础。本文采用Tn5转座方法构建了共生细菌P. luminescens LN2突变体库;从中筛选出一个对其共生线虫H. indica LN2的生长繁殖有显著促进作用的突变菌株(LN2-M2716);测定了该突变菌株的菌落特征、对大蜡螟Galleria mellonella及非特异共生线虫H. bacteriophora H06的毒性、对线虫产量的影响。结果显示,LN2-M2716菌株在菌落形态、色素分泌、过氧化氢酶反应、荧光、食物信息作用以及对大蜡螟毒力等方面与野生型菌株差异不明显;但对非特异共生线虫H. bacteriophora H06的毒性及对特异共生线虫H. indica LN2生长繁殖的促进作用方面均明显高于野生型菌株。论文结果为构建支持线虫高产的菌株提供了关键技术。
      The symbiotic association between Photorhabdus bacteria and entomopathogenic Heterorhabditis nematodes provides the base for commercial production and field application of these biological pesticides. A mutagenesis library of Photorhabdus luminescens LN2 was constructed using Tn5 transposon. A mutant strain (LN2-M2716) that could improve the yield of H. indica LN2 infective juveniles (IJs) was screened. The colonial characteristic, toxin production for Galleria mellonella and H. bacteriophora H06, nutrient provision for H. indica LN2 IJs production of the mutant were determined. No significant differences were found between the mutant and the wild-type strain in colonial characteristic, pigment secretion, hydrogen peroxide reaction, fluorescence, food signal production and toxicity to G. mellonella. However, LN2-M2716 mutant showed stronger nematicidal activity against non-specific H. bacteriophora H06 and could support better growth of H. indica LN2 than the wild type. The results provide key technology for the construction of bacterial mutants for higher yields of IJ nematodes.
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