Effects of overwintering aggregation behavior on energy metabolism in Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
中文关键词:  异色瓢虫  越冬聚集  呼吸速率  能量代谢  选择趋性
英文关键词:Harmonia axyridis, overwintering aggregation, respiration rates, energy metabolism, selectivity trend
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      异色瓢虫以成虫滞育越冬,越冬期间聚集行为尤为显著。为探讨异色瓢虫越冬聚集行为的适应意义,本研究利用便携式红外线CO2分析仪测定了6 种聚集度(分别用1头、2头、5头、10 头、20头和50头表示)下异色瓢虫越冬成虫的呼吸量,并通过呼吸量计算得到各聚集度下的呼吸速率(Respiration rate, Rr)和能量代谢速率(Metabolism rate, Rm)。结果表明: 不同聚集度间异色瓢虫越冬成虫的呼吸速率和能量代谢速率均存在显著性差异,相关性分析表明Rr和Rm值与聚集度之间呈显著负相关。即随着聚集度的增加,越冬成虫的呼吸速率和能量代谢速率呈逐渐降低的趋势。此外,利用“Y”形嗅觉仪测定了异色瓢虫实验种群和越冬种群成虫对不同味源的选择趋性,表明异色瓢虫均对各自的群体表现出趋性,而其越冬聚集行为的发生需要一种特殊的气味物质。本研究表明聚集行为可以有效降低异色瓢虫的新陈代谢速率,减少能量消耗,有利于其种群成功越冬,这对其越冬来说具有非常重要的意义。
      Harmonia axyridis aggregate significantly during overwintering by adult diapause. In order to clarify the effects of overwintering aggregation on energy metabolism, we have directly measured the respiration of H. axyridis with six different aggregation degrees (1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 individuals) using the portable infrared CO2 analyzer, and calculated the respiration rates (Rr) and the energy metabolism rates (Rm). The results indicated that there were significant differences in the values of Rr and Rm among the six different aggregation levels, and that there was a negative correlation relationship between the values of Rm / Rr and the aggregation degrees. In other words, as aggregation degrees were increased, the values of Rr and Rm became lowered. In addition, the selectivity trend of experiment and overwintering population of H. axyridis adults were measured with "Y"-shaped olfactometer, indicating that the adults were on their respective populations exhibit tropism, and overwintering aggregation behavior occurs requires a special odor substances. These results indicated that aggregation of H. axyridis could lower the metabolic rates, which might be advantageous for their successful overwintering.
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