Distribution of Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim galls on the tender twigs of Erythrina variegata var orientalis
中文关键词:  刺桐姬小蜂  金脉刺桐  虫瘿  分布  空间格局
英文关键词:Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim  Erythrina variegata var orientalis  gall  distribution  spatial pattern
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      刺桐姬小蜂Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim是重要外来入侵害虫,危害刺桐属多种植物。本文调查研究了金脉刺桐嫩枝上刺桐姬小蜂虫瘿的数量分布和空间格局。结果显示,金脉刺桐嫩枝上靠近生长点(芽头)一端刺桐姬小蜂虫瘿数量较多,15 cm以内占90%以上,距离越远越少,其虫瘿数量比率(Y)和枝条长度(X)关系方程为Y= 72577e-0138X。对频次分布的分析结果显示,刺桐嫩枝上虫瘿主要以虫瘿集体形式出现。获得的虫瘿空间格局主要参数平均拥挤度M*、丛生指数I、聚块性指数M*/M等均显著大于1,表明虫瘿是聚集分布且聚集程度较强。建立的Iwao M*-M方程为M*=175+351M、Taylor幂函数法则模型为lg s2=0554+1828lg〖AKx-〗。
      The erythrina gall wasp Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim was an important alien invasive pest which could cause serious damage to the plants in Erythrina The distribution and spatial pattern of the galls on the tender twigs of Erythrina variegata var orientalis were sampled and analyzed in this paper The results revealed that most of the galls located at the short range from the bud, and more than 90% galls were within 15 cm The model describing the relationship between the ratio of the galls (Y) and twig length from the bud (X) was Y= 72577e-0138XThe frequency distribution presented the gall-group was major in gall distribution type Mean crowding index M*, Clump intensity index I, and Patchiness index M*/M of the spatial pattern for the galls on the twigall were more than 1, and meant the aggregating distribution with high intensity for the galls Iwao M*-M model (M*=175+351M) and Taylor power law model (lgs2=0554+1828lg〖AKx-〗) were presented
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